Sample Scenario: "Brutal Assailant"
Scenario Overview
This scenario aims to discover and defeat a dangerous Mythical Beast attacking a developing village. The party will be asked by the survivors of one of the beast's attacks to head to the village and track the beast back to its lair. Along the way, the party will encounter a band of Barbarous who are also heading to fight the Mythical Beast, and the path to the creature will pass through a small set of ruins as well.
This scenario, unlike Bartou's Mansion, is mainly combat-oriented, and is a rather tough scenario.
Scenario Preparation
This scenario is designed for a party of 4 adventurers whose average Adventurer Level is 7. If the party has either 3 or 5 PCs, the number of the monsters should be adjusted accordingly. A 2-player party will have difficulty taking this adventure on, and so the average Adventurer Level should be at least 9, if not higher, before taking on this scenario.
If players are running this scenario as a single game and not as a part of a campaign, characters should be created under the following circumstances.
Experience Points: Initial Character Creation + 17,000 pts. Stat Growth: 15 times Money: 30,000G Total Reputation: 300
Example characters can include the following: Character 1: Fighter Level 7, Artificer Level 5, Enhancer Level 1 (0 Experience remaining) Character 2: Sorcerer Level 7, Sage Level 5 (2,000 Experience remaining) Character 3: Fencer Level 7, Scout Level 5, Bard Level 4 (500 Experience remaining) Character 4: Priest Level 6, Conjurer Level 6 (1,000 Experience remaining)
Scenario Setting
The adventure begins in the city of Kashkarn, the southernmost city on the continent of Razeldawn.
Razeldawn is still a very wild continent, with many of its lands and resources under the control of the Barbarous. It is only quite recently that there have been attempts to push north and take control of the continent, and Kashkarn represents that first step. However, many of the developing villages around Kashkarn are subject to attacks from both Barbarous and the native monsters, many of which are much stronger than can be found on Terastier. On the other hand, many adventurers have been flocking to Kashkarn in hopes of finding any ruins from long lost civilizations, and it is quite possible for adventuring parties to make their name in defense of the northern continent.
Reading the Scenario
In the following text, some text will be in italics. These sentences are meant to be read aloud by the GM, in order to set the scene in each player's mind. Other, non-italicized text, is for the GM to know what is going on in the scene, as well as any tricks, traps and treasure that may be found.
The Main Story
The Continent of Razeldawn. Also called the "Twilight Continent", the lands of Razeldawn are still heavily dominated by the Barbarous.
Twenty years have passed since humans have attempted to push north from Terastier, and the city of Kashkarn is the seat of that progress. One day, one of the outlying villages has been attacked, and with the exception of a few survivors, completely wiped out. The garrison at Kashkarn has sent out a number of men to investigate the situation, but they, too, never returned. The head of the garrison, Howl Barkman, is taking the loss of his men very seriously, and is looking for skilled adventurers to find out what is going on.
Kashkarn is the busiest town on the continent of Razeldawn, positioned almost like it were the entrance into the continent. Despite the actual population numbering only around 3,000 or so, it is a very lively city.
The party has come north in search of more adventure, riches and fame. However, the local Adventurer's Guild, named "The Bridge of Dreams", doesn't have any work available for you at the time. As you relax in the hall, disappointment written clearly on your faces, a small contingent of soldiers comes up to the party.
The party has come to the city of Kashkarn in search of adventure and treasure. As seasoned adventurers, they are pointed to "The Bridge of Dreams" as a place to find rooms and employment. The guild hall is quite popular with adventurers passing through, and today is like any other day in that respect. However, while they do find rooms available (for a nominal fee), there aren't any jobs that match the party's abilities.
While the party sits and kicks back a few drinks in order to wash away the disappointment, a couple of soldiers approach the party, an air of importance about them.
"We have been sent here on orders of the garrison captain Howl Barkman to recruit capable adventurers for a mission of importance. Considering the current state of things, we wish to invite you to follow us back to the garrison and talk with Captain Barkman."
With that said, the soldiers wait to see if the party will join them. Being seasoned adventurers (around 7th level or so), they have a bit of fame, and should be used to being specifically asked for by name. As for Captain Barkman, it is well known in Kashkarn that, despite his young age (25 years old), he is incredibly talented and commands a significant amount of respect. He is also quite serious when talking about the safety of Kashkarn, and would never lie to the PCs.
Barkman's Request
The garrison headquarters is located on the north side of town. A stone wall stretches on either side of the building, a visible sign of the borders of Kashkarn. However, the garrison itself has two large wooden doors opening into a two-story wooden building. There is a feeling of rushing around inside, making it difficult to forget that Kashkarn is still a relatively new city.
Once inside, the messenger soldiers will direct you to the captain's office. Sitting behind a desk is a young man with a stern expression on his face, and you have no doubt that this is the young captain of the garrison, Howl Barkman.
Barkman dismisses the soldiers, greets the party, and invites everyone to find seating around his office. Once everyone is seated and comfortable, he begins to go into detail regarding the mission.
"There have been rumors of an attack on the village of Tyr, north of here by the Dark Forest. I am here to say that those rumors are true, and the village has been completely annihilated by an attack by an unknown agent. We assume that is was a pack of Barbarous, as they had been seen in the vicinity, but we don't have any proof.
"Tyr was a small village, around 100 or so residents, but five of my soldiers were also stationed there. If whatever wiped the village out was able to withstand the attacks of five of my men, then we have a serious problem. Specifically, the village of Molsen, not too far from Tyr, is in great danger. With that in mind, I'd hired a small adventuring party, not too dissimilar from yours, to go north and report on what they found in Tyr. It was only this morning that I received that report, confirming the entire village of Tyr has been razed to the ground, with no survivors.
"And so I find myself here, asking for your assistance. I've heard stories of your group, and I believe that you are well suited to this particular mission. I can't let a threat like this be ignored, and so I'm offering a 4,000 Gamel reward per person to investigate the situation and take care of whatever had attacked the village of Tyr. Additionally, our garrison will offer what we can with regards to food and supplies, as well as the option of two Treat Potions or five Mako Stones.
"As it stands right now, the assailant is currently unknown. However, I've received word that one of the adventurers that had gone north has made their way to Molsen, and so I ask you to head there yourselves and see what information they have. It is a two-day ride to Molsen by horseback, so the sooner you can get prepared, the sooner I can have you figure out what's going on."
If the PCs accept Barkman's offer, whichever of the Treat Potions or Mako Stones will be provided immediately, as Barkman will pull them out of a drawer in his desk. If the PCs don't have any horses to ride, they will also be provided by the garrison as rentals. Even taking into account a quick trip to the marketplace for some last-minute purchases, it is likely that the PCs will reach Molsen by the next evening if they leave immediately by horseback. However, if they choose to go on foot, it will take an additional two days (for a total of 4 days one way).
Molsen Village
At the end of the second day's ride, the players come across the village of Molsen.
As the sun begins to drop behind the Dragon Spine Mountains off to the west, the village of Molsen begins to come into view. It is a small village, and as you approach you can see a number of farmers bringing their livestock in from the fields, keeping them behind a number of wooden fences. You notice that they seem to be moving awfully quickly, more likely than not frightened by the horrible attack on Tyr.
Molsen is a small farming village, with around 300 or so permanent residents. There is a village square, where most of the markets and such are, with around 50 other houses for the residents surrounding it. A larger house also faces the square, this home owned by the mayor Tonto Linde (Human/Male/47 yrs.). An older man with tanned, leathery skin from working out in the fields, Linde is willing to talk to the party as they come into town, but has become frightened and overprotective of the Molsen villagers after the destruction of Tyr. He invites them into his home, both to rest and to discuss Tyr.
Information from the Survivor - Helena
Also inside the mayor's home is a young elf, Helena Raystein. Resting in a bed in a spare bedroom, she is the sole survivor of the previous adventuring party. It is obvious that she is terribly saddened and depressed, but she is willing to talk, if it helps to avenger her fallen friends.
The mayor's house is also where Helena Raystein, a priestess of the Elven goddess Asteria, is resting. She is the sole survivor of the previous adventuring party sent to scout Tyr by Captain Barkman. While her physical wounds have been treated and dressed, it is obvious she feels incredible survivor's guilt over the loss of her friends. When the party asks, she is willing to tell what she knows about the attacker, in the hope it will help her deal with the guilt.
"We were a five man group... At the request of the Captain, we headed out in search of what had attacked Tyr. Be careful of what you wish for, you know?
"...We did end up finding the monster's lair, though it appeared empty. Not sure when it would return, our leader planned out a surprise attack, in hopes that we could fight off whatever it was. Only thing is, whatever the beast was, it was lurking over our heads at the time, and kept to the air as it attacked us, at first anyway. It knew before we did that we were outclassed, and when it finally came down to the ground to fight, it was all over. By the time we even thought to withdraw, we were getting overrun. I was the only one... the only one who..."
As Helena recalls the horror of the battle, she gets choked up remembering the loss of her friends. After a few minutes, though, she continues.
"The beast... It had the head of a lion, a goat and a dragon. Not only was it able to fly around like it was nothing, but it was able to use magic as well."
A PC with the Sage class can make a Monster Knowledge check (TN 13), and if successful, knows that the monster Helena is describing is a Chimera.
"It lives over in some ruins in Bloodrain Mountain, past the Dark Forest to the east. The ruins are fairly large, but when I escaped I found a much faster way out. I'm sure if you go through that way, you'll come across the monster's lair much faster than we did."
If the PCs ask for more information about Helena's party, she will tell them the following information.
Dan (Human/Male/22 yrs.)
- Fighter Level 5, Party Leader
Rex (Runefolk/Male/14 yrs.)
- Fencer Level 5, Scout Level 5
Io (Human/Male/26 yrs.)
- Sorcerer Level 4
Giglitte (Grassrunner/Male/33 yrs.)
- Bard Level 4, Marksman Level 4
Helena can draw a map to the lair, and is willing to accompany the PCs if they would let her. As GM, if the party has 3 or fewer PCs, it is recommended that Helena comes along. While she may not be the most dangerous in melee, her healing magic should be more than enough to help the PCs when necessary.
Dexterity | 17 (+2) | Adventurer Level | 5 |
Agility | 21 (+3) | ||
Strength | 10 (+1) | Fortitude | 7 |
Vitality | 15 (+2) | Willpower | 9 |
Intelligence | 24 (+4) | HP | 30 |
Spirit | 25 (+4) | MP | 40 |
Class | Level |
Priest (Asteria) | 5 (Magic Power 9) |
Fencer | 2 |
Ranger | 3 |
Combat Feats |
Metamagic/Targets |
Metamagic/Distance |
MP Save/Priest |
Equipment | Evasion | Defense |
Cloth Armor | 6 | 2 |
Buckler | ||
Short Sword | ||
Adventurer's Kit, Holy Symbol | ||
2.000G |
Known Languages: Trade Common, Elven
Before the party leaves, Helena speaks one last time.
"Oh, I just remembered something! As I was running, I saw a group of trolls heading towards the beast's lair. It was quick, and I didn't want to killed by them after escaping the monster, but I think there might have been four of them."
As the conversation with Helena winds down, there is a sudden commotion and significant noise outside. Screams are echoing through the town, and a fire can be seen reflecting in the window.
Chimera Attack
The attack was quick and sudden. As the party looks outside, fires have spread throughout the small village. A strange creature is in the air, spewing flames as it hovers over the town. Against the twilight sky, the red flames give this beast a hellish appearance.
As Helena fled from the Chimera, it assumed that she was fleeing towards another settlement. Taking its time to lull the people into a false sense of security, the Chimera strikes at dusk, in hopes of causing the most confusion and panic. Over the screams of the townsfolk and the raging fires, it's possible to hear the Chimera talking to itself.
"Gahahaha! Letting that woman run away was the right idea after all! Now I have a whole town to feast on!"
The Chimera is deliberately speaking in Trade Common, hoping to demoralize anyone that hears it. Currently, the Chimera is hovering around 50m up from the village. If the PCs attempt to attack it, it will fly another 10m high (to 60m), attack the party with its magic (as it has the Combat Feat 《Metamagic/Distance》), then fly away.
Chimeras are typically very smart, very cunning creatures, and will take any chance they get to be sneaky when approaching what they would consider to be prey. In this situation, the Chimera is avoiding any provocation and only attacking in a situation that is decidedly in its favor. Once attacked, the Chimera will only stay in the area for two rounds at most. The GM should make it obvious that the PCs are outmatched when trying to fight the Chimera in this situation.
Should the PCs take cover, hide, or try to help out the villagers, the Chimera will stick around for another round to see the panic it has caused, then fly off. In the morning, it is apparent that the Chimera had taken any unprotected livestock away as food when leaving.
Into the Dark Forest
With Helena's map and knowledge, it is apparent that the fastest way to the Chimera's lair is through the Dark Forest. If the PCs know it is a Chimera (due to earlier Monster Knowledge checks), they will know that the cows the Chimera has taken will only feed it for a week. Helena will let the party know if they are still unaware of what kind of creature it is when discussing travel preparations.
It will take a minimum of three days to head to Bloodrain Mountain, though the party will reach the outskirts of the Dark Forest after a half-day's travel.
As the name suggests, the Dark Forest is a deep forest with a thick canopy, letting very little light through even at midday. Though you could see the peak of Bloodrain Mountain during the travel here, nothing can be seen beyond the trees in your way. (Map in hand/With Helena's guidance), you press forward in search of the lair.
Inside the Dark Forest, the light is dim, but enough that additional light from torches isn't required.
Each day the party is in the Dark Forest, a PC Scout or Ranger can make a check, adding their Intelligence Bonus, in order to determine if the party is lost or not. If the party is alone, the TN for this check is 12; if Helena is accompanying them, her advice reduces the TN to 10. Each failed check results in another day lost in the Dark Forest.
After the second check is rolled (whether it is successful or not), the party will come across a group of Barbarous.
Troll Encounter
As the party continues through the woods, the light of a bonfire catches your attention. Carefully approaching it reveals a small group of Barbarous sitting around the fire. Though few in number, these Barbarous are quite large, and covered with rocky skin.
These Barbarous, a group of Trolls, have been sent from the Town of Mist in order to kill the Chimera. Typically nocturnal, they camp during the day. There are five trolls altogether, the leader a Dark Troll with 8 Sword Shards.
A successful Danger Sense check (TN 12) will notice the Trolls at 20m away. Failure will mean the Trolls notice the party approaching.
If the Danger Sense check is successful, a PC who speaks Giantish can listen to the Barbarous openly discussing their plans to attack the Chimera. Their plan, however, is to attack the Chimera's lair head-on, and until they get there they will try to avoid any sort of combat in order to fight at their full strength.
A failed Danger Sense check will have the Trolls on edge, though they will not attack immediately. Due to the daylight, the Trolls are at a disadvantage, and will try to leave if approached aggressively. If approached with the intent to negotiate, the Trolls will not respond.
The Trolls can be attacked, in which case they will attack back in kind. However, if one of the Trolls falls in combat, or three rounds have passed, they will attempt to retreat and use "Cure Heart" in order to heal any wounds they may have. If retreat is not possible, they will fight to the death.
If the PCs defeat all of the Trolls, they will find a missive in addition to whatever loot the Trolls have. This missive is written in both Barbaric as well as Giantish, and has a small map showing where the Chimera's lair is.
Barbaric: "Top Priority. Find the Beast. Defeat. Never forgive."
Giantish: "Find and kill the monster that attacked our city. As it is, the damage done has delayed our counteroffensive operation significantly. Therefore, that beast cannot be overlooked any longer. This mission takes top priority, even over combat with humans. Do not return until this mission is complete."
To the Ruins of Bloodrain Mountain
After the third successful check from a Scout or Ranger, the PCs will find themselves at the foot of Bloodrain Mountain. It is just after noon, and the sun is still quite high in the sky.
Upon seeing the mountain, you can see why it is called Bloodrain Mountain. Streaks of red run down the sides of the mountain, almost as if the earth itself is bleeding. The mountain itself is quite steep, and there are few trees that will grow in the shadow of the mountain. Looking at the peak of the mountain, you can see the ruins of an ancient fortress built into the rock. Perhaps this is the lair of the beast that you've been looking for.
Attacking the Lair from the Front If the party attempts to attack the ruins from the front, they will have to climb a mountain slope that offers a good view, but poor footing. When climbing the slope, every 10m requires a Climb check, with a total of 5 successful Climb checks to reach the peak. Additionally, the Chimera can see the party approaching, and will fly out and attack from the sky.
Looking for Alternate Entrances If the party decides to look around for alternate entrances or exits to the ruins, a successful Search check (TN 12) will reveal a forgotten entrance to the ruins behind some overgrown shrubs, at the foot of the mountain. Looking inside, a long staircase stretches up into the distance, and appears as though it can reach the peak of the mountain.
a: Entrance
A sturdy entranceway, made entirely of smooth, carved stone. It seems to be a typical ruin from the Al Menas period, perhaps an old fortress or barracks. There are a couple of heavy wooden doors, broken and fallen over, and there are countless scars of battle carved into the smooth walls.
The width of the corridor is about 3m wide, large enough for two average people to walk side by side. There is a short corridor, about 5m long, then a long stairway reaches up into darkness. In order to continue, a light needs to be used.
There is no special mechanism to open the doors, as they are already on the ground outside. Looking around, it is obvious this entranceway has seen no use in quite some time, due to the thick dust and lack of footprints. In order to continue up the staircase, a torch or other light needs to be used.
b: Crossroads
This small area used to be a crossroad within the ruins. However, the left passageway continues for 5m, then ends abruptly in a pile of collapsed dirt and stone. There is a door 10m down the right passageway, and the staircase in front continues upward, disappearing into darkness.
The collapsed passage to the left is a dead end, with no possible passage through to whatever may have been on the other side. The door to the right is locked, and requires a Scout's Open Lock check (TN 14) to open successfully.
c: Armory - Room Size: 15m x 20m
The door opens into a rectangular room, countless old weapons lined up against the walls. It's possible there may be some usable weapons, were you to spend some time looking through the racks. There is also a large chest against the far wall.
Weapons of all kinds line the walls. These weapons are fairly old B-rank weapons, so even if the party were to take them back and sell them, they would be worth half as much due to age. A Scout can find a couple of special weapons with good Search checks. A Search check (TN 14) finds a Magic Flamberge +1, while a Search check (TN 18) finds a Magic Tempest +1. These weapons can also be found using "Mana Search".
The chest is locked and trapped. A Search check (TN 15) will find there is a mechanism that triggers when the chest is opened, and an Open Lock check (TN 15) will disable the mechanism. A separate Open Lock check (TN 15) needs to be made to actually open the chest.
The trap will trigger if the chest is opened without disabling the trap, or if the Open Lock check to disable the mechanism fails twice. The chest explodes, dealing 2d + 20 Fire-type damage to everyone in the room, with a Fortitude check (TN 16) to take half damage.
The chest contains 3 Treat Potions, 2 10MP Mako Stones, and 5,000G in silver. If the trap is triggered, only the coins remain among the rubble, everything else is broken and useless.
d: Guarded Room - Room Size: 15m x 30m
This room originally was a much larger room. However, it seems there was a great collapse on the left side of the room, burying it in dirt and sand. There are a couple of crushed sentry robots among the rubble, but the intact sentries along the back of the room seem to be a more pressing issue.
The room was originally a storage area for Gar-UI robots, though only two remain intact and functional. They will attack any intruders who come into the room, and will chase them throughout the ruins. However, they will not follow any intruders outside.
There is a hidden door behind where one of the Gar-UIs stood. After defeating the robots, the closest PC will notice the door, without any check required.
e: Spiral Staircase
Behind the secret door is a short passage, leading to a spiral staircase heading up. A foul odor drifts from above, some vile mix of rotten meat and monster musk.
This staircase leads to the room where the Chimera has its lair. The Chimera is too large to fit into the staircase, and so uses it like a trash chute, tossing old carcasses and such into the staircase. As the party heads up the stairs, they will come across a number of bodies. Most of these are skeletons, though there are some bodies of animals and humanoids with some rotting flesh still clinging to the bones.
Showdown with the Chimera
At the top of the staircase is a half-open door. Peeking through the gap in the door, you see the source of your recent troubles. Prepare yourselves - the Chimera is near!
At the top of the staircase is a door, behind which is the lair of the Chimera. The room is about 15m x 30m, with one wall completely collapsed, allowing the Chimera to see outside. From here, the Chimera can come and go as it pleases, flying out over the Dark Forest without hassle.
From here, the encounter will proceed differently, depending upon how the party progressed throughout the adventure.
1. The Party never got lost heading to the lair
If the party never lost its way during any sort of travel, the Chimera is awake, though laying about around 15m away from the door. Two Stone Servants created by the Chimera are each standing about 20m from the door, facing out over the mountain to keep lookout. If the party attacks now, they will receive a +2 bonus to Initiative.
2. The Party is a day late, or waits for a while
If the party is late to the top, whether due to getting lost for a day or just waiting around, the Troll warriors from the Dark Forest will make their way to the peak and begin fighting with the Chimera.
If the party sits by, the Chimera will win the fight, completely annihilating the Trolls. However, it will lose both Stone Servants, as well as half its MP (though it will be at full HP due to using Drain Touch on a Troll).
If the PCs choose to fight alongside the Trolls, they will work together to fight the Chimera. However, a Troll will have fallen for each round the PCs were on the sidelines. Of course, if the PCs attacked and defeated the Trolls back in the Dark Forest, this does not happen.
3. The Party is 2 or more days late
In this situation, the battle between the Chimera and the Trolls will have already occurred, with the Trolls being wiped out. By this point, the Chimera has repaired its Stone Servants, and is in a perfect position to fight. Because of the Troll attack, the Chimera is alert, and so the party does not receive any bonuses.
Adjusting the Chimera's Strength
If there are 4 PCs in the party, the Chimera should be given 9 Sword Shards, in order to increase its HP and MP by a considerable amount. For 3 or fewer PCs traveling without Helena, reduce the Sword Shards to 5, and remove the Stone Servants entirely. For 5 or more PCs, increase the Sword Shards to 15, and double the number of Stone Servants (to four).
Fighting the Chimera
The Chimera has high Intelligence, and should be played as a smart, cunning monster. It will use magic and Flame Breath against those enemies in heavy armor, while moving into melee range against those with light armor. It will also send Stone Servants to attack those in the Rearguard/hiding in the back (depending upon the Combat rules used).
The Chimera has 5 sections, and so there needs to be three or more opponents in order to block its movement. The PCs will be overwhelmingly disadvantaged if they do not attack swiftly and with their full power. However, due to its large size, the Chimera cannot easily attack anything within the doorframe.
As long as the Goat Head is alive, it will try to cast "Spark" on any party member hanging back, as well as using "Drain Touch" on those in melee with it. It will also use "Forbid Magic" in order to try and shut down any spellcasters, and strengthens the Stone Servants using "Intense Control".
Chimera's Treasures
In addition to the loot that drops upon the Chimera's defeat, there is also 10,000G worth of silver coins scattered around the monster's lair.
The Trolls
If the PCs get the jump on the Chimera and manage to defeat it before the Trolls arrive, they will appear after the battle is over. However, they will not attack the PCs unless attacked, and will respect them for taking out the Chimera. Upon leaving, the Dark Troll leader will speak to the party in Trade Common.
"I didn't think there were strong enough heroes among the humans that could take out the Chimera. I'm glad to be proven wrong. However, next time we meet, we will be enemies. And I'm looking forward to that day, so that way I can fight the great heroes at their best."
Upon defeating the Chimera and returning to Kashkarn, the scenario ends. On the way back, there are no special events, and the PCs can stay in Molsen for a day to regain their bearings.
In addition to the reward from Captain Barkman, the party will receive 1,000 + (1d x 10) Experience Points, as well as the Experience Points for all of the monsters defeated along the way. If the party manages to avoid the fight with the Trolls in the Dark Forest, they will receive Experience for that as well.
Subsequent Developments
By killing the Chimera, the PCs will have earned the trust and respect of Captain Barkman, and further requests may come directly from his master, the Princess General Magdalena Yates. Also, if the party managed to talk to the Trolls at all, they are aware that a Barbarous invasion on Kashkarn is planned soon, and preparations need to be made for that.
In any case, the continent of Razeldawn is always full of threats and danger, so the players have no end to the adventures to choose from.