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10th Level Bard Required

Amazing Prelude: - Singing: -
Randomly copy the effect of another known Spellsong Resistance: - Pets: -
By playing a melody off the cuff, the Bard is able to copy the effect of another Spellsong that they know. Any Prelude or Singing requirements for the copied song are ignored, and the Spellsong takes effect immediately. If the Spellsong requires a check to be made, it is made with a +2 bonus.

Clap Prelude: 20 seconds (2 rounds) Singing: -
Force others to clap along Resistance: - Pets: Bird
Anyone hearing the Bard's rhythmic clapping has the urge to clap along, dropping anything they may be holding. While clapping, characters cannot take any Actions that would require the use of their arms.

Chorus Prelude: 10 seconds (1 round) Singing: Required
Force others to sing along Resistance: - Pets: -
Anyone hearing the Bard's relaxed, yet catchy melody will have the urge to sing along. While singing, characters can only take Limited Moves, and cannot use any magic that requires vocalization.

Sonic Voice Prelude: - Singing: -
Create damaging sonic shockwaves Resistance: - Pets: Insect
This high-pitched frequency deals Power 20 Wind-type damage each round to those within the Spellsong's area of effect. This damage cannot critical. This song affects those who would normally be immune to Psychic-type effects.

Dare Prelude: 10 seconds (1 round) Singing: -
Prevent the use of Active Combat Feats Resistance: - Pets: Frog
This jarring noise disrupts concentration, preventing the use of any Active Combat Feats.

Dance Prelude: 20 seconds (2 rounds) Singing: -
Force listeners to dance Resistance: - Pets: -
Passionate melodies cause listeners to dance violently, reducing their Accuracy and Evasion by -2. Characters with Grappler Class Levels are immune to this Spellsong's effects.

Fall Prelude: 20 seconds (2 rounds) Singing: -
Cause flying characters to drop Resistance: - Pets: Bird
This heavy screaming causes any flying characters to crash into the ground, dealing them falling damage. Additionally, characters cannot benefit from any "Flight" unique skills, and cannot take flight until they are out of the range of this Spellsong.

March Prelude: - Singing: -
Normalize movement speed Resistance: - Pets: Frog
The Bard chooses a movement speed from 1 to 24 meters. While within the area of this Spellsong, all characters will move at the chosen speed when taking a Normal Move. This Spellsong does not change a character's Agility.

Reduction Prelude: 20 seconds (2 rounds) Singing: -
Reduce MP consumption Resistance: - Pets: Insect
A peaceful tune, this Spellsong reduces any MP consumption within range by -1 (but cannot reduce it to 0 or lower).

Lazy Prelude: 10 seconds (1 round) Singing: -
Lower Class Levels Resistance: - Pets: Bird, Frog, Insect
This languorous number causes those who hear it to temporarily lose a level in each Class they have. This reduction will affect Adventurer Level, but will not reduce Maximum HP or MP. Reduction of Class Levels may cause the loss of Combat Feats and Techniques, in which case the most recent of each is lost. If a Class Level is reduced to 0 this way, it is as though the character does not have a level in that Class at all.

Fixed-value characters reduce their Accuracy, Evasion, Fortitude, Willpower, and all Magic and Unique Skill checks by -1.