Sample Scenario: "Dragon Eater"
Scenario Overview
The goal of this scenario is to find a missing Dragon Knight in training, as well as recover a stolen dragon egg from the hands of the Barbarous.
The PCs are asked to find out what happened to a prominent knight who was headed to the dragon Faraliel in order to join the ranks of the Dragon Knights of Duball. Upon arriving at Faraliel's lair, they do not find the knight, but instead a seriously wounded dragon. The party is then told how Barbarous attacked the dragon's lair and stole one of Faraliel's eggs, and the Dragon Knight-to-be left on a quest to find and retrieve the egg.
Following the trail of the knight, the party will come across the lair of the Barbarous who had stolen the egg. Deep within the lair lies a daemon that had been sealed away during the Durandal period, and the Barbarous hope to use the power contained within the dragon's egg as a sacrifice to free the daemon. It is up to the party to stop the profane ritual and save both the dragon's egg and the knight.
Scenario Preparation
This scenario is designed for 5 PCs, with an average Adventurer Level of 10. The session should take about 4-5 hours, depending upon how focused the players are. If there is a different number of players, there will be guidelines to adjust the number of monsters and Sword Shards in the adventure as necessary. If there are two or less players, it is recommended that the PCs are an average Adventurer Level of 13 or higher, instead of 10.
Scenario Setting
The setting for this scenario is in the Liezen region of Northern Terrastier. Specifically, the party will begin in the kingdom of Duball, known as the "Dragon Citadel" due to its particular reverence for the great monsters. Duball is the frontline when it comes to Barbarous invasions, and is constantly under attack. There are a number of uncharted territories that border Duball, and even the experienced adventurer should be careful when passing through. Because of this constant conflict, though, a number of veteran adventurers are drawn to the region, in order to give their aid against the Barbarous.
Reading the Scenario
In the following text, some text will be in italics. These sentences are meant to be read aloud by the GM, in order to set the scene in each player's mind. Other, non-italicized text, is for the GM to know what is going on in the scene, as well as any tricks, traps and treasure that may be found.
The Main Story
"Dragon Knight" - The highest title in the Kingdom of Duball.
Even members of the royal family cannot take the throne unless they are also a Dragon Knight, that's how much the title means to the Kingdom. Once the heir to the throne can ride atop a dragon of their own, only then will the populace of Duball will truly recognize their future king.
A young man has gone to the mountain where the great dragon of Duball, Ardeltaid, lives, in order to become a Dragon Knight himself. The first test of any true Dragon Knight, as anyone in Duball will tell you, is to have one of the dragon's lineage give the knight one of their eggs to raise. However, the knight has not returned.
The great Dragon Marquis, Bastion Beirre, is looking for competent adventurers to help him search for his younger brother. Has something happened to the younger Beirre, and why has he not returned to Duball? Has he angered the dragons, or worse?
Story Timeline
The Day Before the Request
- Barbarous attack the dragon Faraliel, steal an egg
- Jean-Jacques chases after the Barbarous
- Jean-Jacques attacks the Barbarous, is defeated
The Night Before the Request
- Jean-Jacques' wyvern returns to Duball, Jean-Jacques nowhere to be found
The Day of the Request
- Jean-Jacques applies some first aid to himself, gives chase again
The Second Day After the Request
- Jean-Jacques finds the cave of the Barbarous, is seriously wounded
- PCs find the cave of Faraliel, follow Jean-Jacques' trail
The Second Night After the Request
- PCs discover the cave of the Barbarous, confront the Barbarous within
Duball, the kingdom of Dragon Knights.
The Kingdom of Duball is in a dangerous place, located at the border between civilized lands and the wilds that are home to the Barbarous hordes. In particular, those Barbarous that have crossed the Rudea Mountains to the south of the kingdom are often quite strong, and are rarely able to be driven off by normal troops. Often, only the presence of a Dragon Knight is enough to handle these powerful enemies.
Because of the constant conflict with the Barbarous, many veteran adventurers are drawn to Duball, and offer their skill to defend the kingdom. Your party is among the more famous groups of adventurers who have traveled this far, and your reputation precedes you. So much so that upon arriving in town you are approached by a courier, who carries a message from one Bastion Beirre, known among the populace as the Dragon Marquis, and is one of the few Dragon Knights of the kingdom.
The PCs in this scenario are assumed to be veteran adventurers, whether they have come to Duball in search of new adventures and thrills, or local adventurers who have worked their way up to their current position. Either way, the party is well known even before coming to the capital city of Duball, and part of their reputation is taking on a number of high-risk high-reward jobs and returning successfully.
If the PCs are looking to stay at the local Adventurer's Guildhall, "Pike's Glory" is the place to be. The hall is known for it's abnormal number of higher-level adventurers and difficult jobs, and is more than happy to have famous adventurers like the party stay while they're in town.
Almost immediately after arriving at "Pike's Glory", a courier comes specifically asking for the party. If they ask who the message comes from, they will be informed that the message is from the "Dragon Marquis" Bastian Beirre. Marquis Beirre is a Dragon Knight, an elite knight capable of riding a dragon in battle, and is considered to be the heir to the throne once King Falk passes away. Beirre is only 33 years old, but his skill at arms and treatment of his dragon mount are said to be unmatched within the kingdom. He is also known to be quite affable when he's not dealing with a Barbarous attack, and is the perfect client with regards to status, credibility and personality.
Request of Marquis Beirre, Dragon Knight
Upon informing the party that the Dragon Marquis personally requested they come to his mansion, the courier steps outside and waits next to a grand carriage. With little fanfare, you step in and find a seat, as the carriage makes its way through the city of Duball. It is not long before the carriage comes to a large mansion, complete with a gated wall and a large garden in the front of the building.
The courier leads you into the building, and to a small reception room just off of the entranceway. The room has a good amount of luxurious, yet practical furniture, and it is not long before a gentleman enters the room. Marquis Bastian Beirre apologizes for the wait, and greets the party. It is obvious from his expression that there is something weighing heavily on his mind, though exactly what remains to be seen.
Marquis Beirre introduces himself to the party, and asks if they wouldn't mind relaxing while he addresses the reason for the sudden calling. A maid comes into the room not long after, pushing a cart with tea and other small appetizers to serve the party.
"Let me not beat around the bush, as I'm sure you're wondering why I called you here. My younger brother, Jean-Jacques, has gone missing, and I wish for you to find him.
"Jean-Jacques, my dear younger brother, has taken to following in my footsteps, to the point where he wanted to attempt the trials to become a Dragon Knight. The first step in doing so is to head into the Rudea Mountains to the south, find a dragon's cave, and care for one of their eggs until it hatches. The dragons found in the mountains are of the brood of the great dragon Ardeltaid, and will assist those from Duball as per an ancient pact made by King Falk's ancestor.
"However, just last night Jean-Jacques' wyvern mount returned to the mansion, with my brother nowhere to be seen. The wyvern, as well as much of the riding tack, was covered in small scratches, as though it had seen some intense fighting before coming back. I have no doubt something has happened to my brother, and my task to you is to find out exactly what.
"As shameful as it is to say, Jean-Jacques is my only family, and I care deeply for him. So much so that I am willing to pay 8,000G to each of you if he is brought back alive. If..." At this point Bastian closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, then opens his eyes again and continues. "If he is found dead, I will still pay you 5,000G for the return of his body.
"Of course, I wouldn't send you out completely unprepared. I do have a map to lead the way to Jean-Jacques' last known location, the cave of the dragon Faraliel, as well as 10 days' worth of food and drink. I also have a Dexterity Potion and a good-sized Mako Stone, one of which I'd be willing to offer if necessary. You may also need to show proof that you're working on my behalf, so I have this small token showing you're in my employ.
"When you have everything together, I beg of you to hurry and find my brother as soon as you can. The Rudea Mountains are quite dangerous, even for a knight like myself, so I could only imagine how my poor brother is doing. Please, find him quickly."
Jean-Jacques Beirre is a young lad of 20 years, with boyish good looks and striking blonde hair. Though he is a bit foolhardy, he is quite personable, and is quite capable of becoming a Dragon Knight. Bastian thinks the world of his younger brother, and has supported Jean-Jacques' decision to follow in his footsteps.
As soon as the PCs accept the request, Marquis Beirre will have a pair of butlers come into the room, one pushing a part with a number of packages on it, the other carrying a small metal plate and a scroll. The packages are 10 days of food and drink, one per member of the party, and will not spoil while traveling during this scenario, as well as either the Dexterity Potion or the 10-point Mako Stone, whichever the party chose. The metal plate is a palm-sized engraving of the crest of the Dragon Knights, which will provide proof that the party is acting on behalf of Marquis Beirre, while the scroll is a map to the cavern of the dragon Faraliel, where Jean-Jacques was heading.
If the party has horses to ride, they will arrive at the dragon's cave in two days. However, if they choose to walk, it will take twice as long (four days). The party will not run into any encounters while traveling to the Rudea Mountains.
To the Dragon's Mountain Lair
The Rudea Mountains are a range of steep, rugged mountains, difficult to climb even in the best of weather. As the party travels closer to the mountain range, you pass by a number of small groves of trees, following ancient trails through the woods that appear to be rarely used. Were it not for the map from the Marquis, it is unlikely you would have found your way to the mountains.
Eventually, you come across what appears to be a byroad into the mountains, with a small carving in a nearby tree matching a symbol on your map. Following the byroad for most of the day, you eventually come across a massive cave entrance. As you check your map to make sure this is the right place, you get the feeling that you're sitting in front of a dragon's gaming maw, staring down its dark throat.
Confirming your position, you enter the cave, taking in just how massive it really is. The entrance is 10m wide, while the ceiling quickly moves upward and away, disappearing into darkness. Continuing on, this cave is easily large enough for a dragon to live in.
As the players enter the cave, a Scout or Ranger can make a Danger Sense check (TN 15). If successful, they notice the coppery smell of blood, emanating from further on in the cave. The PCs can also look for footprints, requiring a Track check (TN 15), and if successful they will notice there were a number of footprints heading into and out of the cave. If the Track check result is over 20, the footprints can be determined to be specifically those of a large species of Barbarous, at least 10 in number.
The Wounded Dragon
The smell of blood is in the air.
As you head deeper into the cave, the smell becomes strong, almost irritating to breathe. The scent becomes overwhelming as you all arrive at the back of the cave, and come across a gruesome scene.
A large red dragon lies on the floor, in the middle of a pool of blood. There are several blackened Barbarous corpses nearby, the end of a fierce battle that took place quite recently.
As you look around the carnage, the dragon stirs, not dead, but not quite alive either. It opens its eyes slightly as the party comes closer.
The fallen dragon is the Lesser Dragon Faraliel, a mild-mannered dragon who does not tend to attack without provocation. However, she has been attacked by the Barbarous recently, and so she is more cautious than normal. Faraliel is severely injured, with all sections but their head at -10 HP, and the Head only at 60 HP. Faraliel currently has 0 MP, as she has been casting healing spells since the Barbarous attack in order to stay alive.
If the PCs approach cautiously and show the dragon the coat of arms from Marquis Beirre, she will visibly relax. If asked what happened, she will relay the following information to the PCs.
"I was attacked by some Barbarous the other day. There were quite a few of them, and they had managed to take me by surprise. I tried my best to stop them, but there was just so many, and they were well-organized for a group of Ogres. Their purpose was to steal one of my eggs I had recently laid... My precious egg...
"After stealing my egg from me, the Ogres ran away as fast as they could, as if they had more important things to do. In their haste, they didn't make sure I was totally dead, which is a small favor itself. Jean-Jacques, that young man, came upon my poor self not long afterwards, and healed me as best as he could. However, he was no trained healer, and so he couldn't heal all of my wounds.
"The young man tried his best, though, and as he kept at it, I told him what had happened. After dressing my wounds, he took his arms and headed out towards the Ogres. I wish he hadn't, though, as he doesn't stand a chance against that many Barbarous, especially as well-trained as they were. At this point, I can only imagine the poor lad has been killed...
"The way they came in and attacked, it seemed like the Ogres were specifically looking for one of my eggs. I can only imagine it is going to be used for some vile ritual. Please, I ask of you to stop them and bring my egg back, if you can."
At this point, Faraliel tries to lift herself up off the floor of the cave and fly out, but crashes back to the ground. The wounds on her wings have not healed, and she cannot fly.
If the PCs are able to heal Faraliel, she will follow the PCs in their search for Jean-Jacques. If they return the egg safely, Faraliel will also gift the party with an Eternal Chronoglass, a powerful artifact and one of Faraliel's most treasured items from her hoard.
If the PCs are greedy and choose to attack Faraliel, she will fight as best as she can given her weakened state. If the party defeats the dragon, they will find the Eternal Chronoglass and around 200,000G worth of treasure. However, Faraliel is one of the most important dragons in Duball, and killing her will be sure to bring the full wrath of the kingdom down upon the party.
Following the Knight, Jean-Jacques
As the party looks near the mouth of the cave, it is obvious now that Jean-Jacques has followed the footsteps of the Ogres who attacked Faraliel. The Ogres were more likely too preoccupied with the dragon's egg to notice the lone knight following behind. However, as the trail winds through the mountains, the way becomes quite steep, with no roads to be found. Continuing on will become quite difficult, with hard work ahead.
If the PCs have healed Faraliel, she will offer to let the PCs ride on her back, making the travel to the mouth of the cave and beyond quite easy. She can instinctively track the location of the egg, so it is unnecessary to have the PCs do any sort of tracking.
However, if the PCs are heading out on their own, they need to make a Track check (TN 13) in order to keep the footprints in sight. A failed check loses the trail, and the PCs will lose a day getting back on track.
The Sealed Cave
As you pass a hollow in the mountainside, there is a fairly large cave opening. At 5m wide, it is much larger than you would expect for a hidden cave entrance. From a distance, it is difficult to see, but as you approach the cave, it is quite easy to find the cave due to the Ogre guards out front. These two Ogres are strong, but they're unlikely to be a match for skilled adventurers like yourselves.
Standing as lookouts are two Lesser Ogres, who should be fairly easy for the PCs to surprise. The area surrounding the cave entrance is quite rugged, so sneaking up on the Ogres should be trivial.
However, should either of the Lesser Ogres be alive after two rounds, reinforcements will come from the cave, drawn to the sounds of battle. 4 Ogres and 2 Ogre Berserkers will join the battle during the third round of combat, while the Ogres remaining in the cave will be alerted to intruders and cannot be further surprised.
If the PCs are with Faraliel, the Lesser Ogres will attempt to run inside for help. However, between her attacks and Flame Breath, they will not make it far enough into the cave to alert the other Ogres.
Into the Cave
A strange, heavy presence can be felt emanating from the cave. From the looks of it, the cave was originally a natural cave that had been sealed by a rockfall in front of the entrance, hiding its presence and making it nearly invisible. It appears, though, that the Ogres have cleared away the fallen rocks, and moved into the cave without much of an issue.
The cave is 5m high inside, large enough that a rider with a single-section mount can enter quite easily. However, if Faraliel is with the party, the Lesser Dragon will not be able to continue on, as the cave is too small for her.
"Pshah, of course those cowards would retreat into such a small cave. Were they only out here, I would set them all ablaze! However, I must entrust the care of my egg to you, and hope that you can defeat these Ogres in my stead."
With that, Faraliel will wait outside for the party to emerge.
If the party captures the Lesser Ogres alive, they will tell the party the following information.
"We've got a plan to kill the humans, we do." "Dorgan, he's our leader, and the strongest around. His Succubus mistress is really good at magic, so they stay on top of the other Ogres." "Between the dragon and the knight, we've lost a couple fighters, but there's still more than 10 of us!" "The knight? He killed two of the guards, but he got beaten up too. He's back in the cave, but I hope he's dead by now."
a: Entrance
The cave is a natural cave, its walls smooth and worn. There are a number of small, branching paths, but only the one path leading forward is large enough for both humans and Ogres to pass through.
There are no distinguishing features of the entrance to the cave, outside of the footprints. If a character succeeds on a Track check (TN 13), they will know there are a number of Ogres who are still deep within the cave.
b: Groundwater Spring
The sound of slow-moving water echoes in the large chamber. On the far side of the room, a groundwater vein slowly meanders from one side of the room to the other, filling a small pond with water. Near the edge of the water, you can see a body lying on the ground.
There is a small spring here, filled with clean, clear water. At the bottom of the spring is a groundwater vein, flowing from "h". If a PC wishes to swim, it is 30m entirely underwater, and so a Swim check needs to be made to swim against the current, TN 15 if there is a light the PC can use underwater, TN 19 if not. If the PC is an Elf, or has "Underwater Aptitude", no check needs to be made.
If the PC is unsuccessful, they will be pulled past the spring into a narrow part of the stream and become trapped. Without aid, the PC will die.
Lying by the spring is Jean-Jacques Beirre. He had managed to fight his way past the Ogre guards, but was was defeated by more Ogres farther in and knocked unconscious. After waking up, he attempted to retreat and find help, but was attacked by one of the Alchemy Tooths in "c". IF the party has lost a day or more's travel before arriving at the cave, Jean-Jacques will be dead from the Golden Disease.
A PC can attempt to cast "Resurrection" on him, and he will return to life. However, if there is no attempt to mitigate the Golden Disease, whether through "Cure Disease" or some other method, he will succumb to the disease and die again within 24 hours. A successful Monster Knowledge check (TN 14) will let the PCs know that this disease is caused by an Alchemy Tooth, and that there is a serum that can be acquired from a dead Alchemy Tooth that will cure the disease.
If Jean-Jacques can be brought to consciousness, he will tell the party the following information.
"Thank you for your aid. My name is Jean-Jacques Beirre, from the kingdom of Duball. I had tracked a number of Barbarous from the lair of the dragon Faraliel here, in order to reclaim a stolen egg and stop a dark ritual. You see, deep within this cave is sealed an ancient daemon, and the Ogres wish to bring it back into the world by using the dragon egg as a sacrifice.
"According to folklore, there are a few daemons capable of destroying entire nations, who have been sealed away for some time. I dread that this daemon is one of those, and so when I had heard them talking about the daemon's power and the ritual, I tried to escape and warn others in Duball about the situation... Until I ended up getting poisoned from one of those monsters and ended up in this mess.
"As shameful as it is, I must put aside my pride and ask. Will you join me, and help me put a stop to this ritual?"
If the PCs ask him for a reward, Jean-Jacques will offer all of the money he has on him, as well as a ruby ring with the Beirre coat of arms on it. The ring itself is not magical, but it can be sold for 8,000G as a work of art. A successful Appraise check (TN 13) will inform the PCs of its value.
If there are 3 or fewer PCs, the GM should try and have Jean-Jacques accompany the party if possible. If the party has 5 or more PCs, his presence is not needed as much (but may still be welcome). If Jean-Jacques accompanies the party, his information is as follows. In the case his help is not needed or refused, he will wait outside of the cave (with Faraliel if she is there) for the party to emerge.
Dexterity | 24 (+4) | Adventurer Level | 10 |
Agility | 20 (+3) | ||
Strength | 25 (+4) | Fortitude | 13 |
Vitality | 18 (+3) | Willpower | 12 |
Intelligence | 16 (+2) | HP | 63 |
Spirit | 17 (+2) | MP | 17 |
Class | Level |
Fighter | 8 |
Ranger | 5 |
Rider | 10 |
Sage | 3 |
Combat Feats/Stunts |
Weapon Proficiency/Spear |
Armor Proficiency/Metal Armor |
Cover |
Pinpoint Attack |
Armor Proficiency II/Metal Armor |
Toughness |
Healing Aptitude |
☆ Charge |
౦ Enhance Mount |
౦ Attack Obstruction |
౦ Elevated Attack |
౦ Remote Command |
☆ Lion's Fury |
౦ Riding as One |
Ж Trample |
౦ Improved Elevated Attack |
౦ Unique Skill Release |
Equipment | Evasion | Defense |
Mythril Plate | 12 | 15 |
Kite Shield | ||
Pike +1 | ||
Bastard Sword +1 | ||
Adventurer's Kit, Treat Potion x6, "Wyvern" Mount Contract Certificate | ||
3.000G |
Known Languages: Regional Dialect (Liezen) (Read/Speak), Trade Common (Read/Speak), Barbaric (Speak), Dragonic (Speak), Magitech (Read)
c: Snake Nest
As you enter the room, there seems to be a chasm on the other side of the room, cutting the room in half. The cave continues on beyond this chasm, but your attention is drawn to the strange, golden snakes that have come out of the shadows. As you approach, they raise their heads, getting ready to attack.
Three Alchemy Tooths are in the room, and will attack if the players attempt to get to the chasm on the other side.
Enemies: Alchemy Tooth x3
Behind the Alchemy Tooths lies a chasm, about 6m away from the party. Upon closer inspection, the chasm is 10m deep, and a failed check to cross it will result in a terrible fall.
d: Force Wall
As the party walks down the corridor, they come to an abrupt halt as a strange, transparent wall fills the tunnel. Its reddish-purple glow sheds some light in the tunnel, but not much. Seeing beyond the wall is quite difficult, and it is likely that trying to pass by force would end up going poorly.
A character touching the Force Wall receives Power 40 + 20 Thunder-type damage (with a C Value of 10). A successful Willpower check (TN 22) can reduce this damage by half. Characters with the Racial Trait "Mana Interference" are unaffected by this damage. Regardless, the wall doesn't actually stop anyone from passing through, though it does block line of sight for magical effects.
The device in room "g" is used to control this door.
e: Guard Unit
A fairly spacious room, though there are a few Barbarous here loitering. Upon seeing the party approach, they gather their weapons and move in to attack.
Enemies: Ogre Berserker x1, Ogre x3
Lying on the floor are three unidentifiable bodies, barely recognizable as more than piles of bones. The Ogres will fight to the death, and will refuse to speak to the PCs even if captured alive.
f: Sealed Door
The tunnel widens, and as it does you notice a door set into the wall. This door is obviously man-made, a clear difference to the natural rock walls everywhere else in the cave. Complex patterns and sigils were carved into the door, intended to keep something sealed behind. However, the door now hangs slightly ajar, the seal obviously broken.
Behind the door lies the room where a powerful daemon was sealed into this cave, and the Barbarous are about to begin the ritual to revive it. The door is open slightly, allowing the players to open it without issue, however there are three Ogres standing watch that will attack the players as they enter the room.
A successful Hide check (TN 18) will allow that PC to look through the gaps in the door unnoticed, through which they will see room "i". However, if the PC fails, they are close enough to the Ogres (10m) for them to move and attack in the same round of combat.
Door Engraving
The following is engraved on the door, written in the Arcana language.
Sealed beyond lies the Lord of the Great Woe, the Incarnation of Destruction, the Daemon Lord Bargadaras. His power has brought the Ten Kingdoms to ruin, slaying the Seven Emperors of Magic. To unleash this power is to know destruction, and be doomed.
A Sage or Bard can make an Insight check (TN 22) in order to remember the lore of Bargadaras. It is said he was one of the most powerful Daemons known to Raxia, and was said to have destroyed a number of great kingdoms during the Durandal period, and many great wizards are said to have died by his hand. However, his true identity is unknown, and there are debates as to whether Bargadaras even existed, let alone performed all of the foul deeds attributed to him if he did.
g: Force Wall Control Panel
There is an pedestal here, carved of a stone different from that found in the cave. Polished smooth, it is about 1m high and finely engraved with many letters, glowing dimly with a magical light.
This pedestal controls the force wall found in "d". The engravings are words in Arcana, and by speaking the words there and holding a hand over the panel, one can turn the force wall on or off. A Sage can use an Appraise check (TN 18) to figure out how to use it. The pedestal cannot be destroyed or removed.
h: Groundwater Vein
Groundwater has collected in the deeper crevasses of the cave, creating a large pond of clear water. There seems to be a slow flow of water from the eastern side of the room, heading south in the cave.
This pond is connected to the spring in "b" by a groundwater vein. If a PC wishes to swim, it is 30m entirely underwater, and so a Swim check needs to be made. The PC would be swimming with the current, and so the TN is 13 if there is a light the PC can use underwater, TN 17 if not. If the PC is an Elf, or has "Underwater Aptitude", no check needs to be made.
If the PC is unsuccessful, they will be pulled past the spring into a narrow part of the stream and become trapped. Without aid, the PC will die.
i: Room of Sealing
Inside is a room carved by hand, smoothed out from the natural walls of the rest of the cave. On the far side of the room is an altar, a large, heavy stone similar to a coffin set on top. There are three large eggs set in front of the altar; these must be the stolen dragon eggs.
Also in the room are an exceptionally large Ogre, as well as a half-nude woman with thin wings coming from her back, both facing the altar. Three Ogres are standing watch, facing the only door into the room, looking to prevent unwanted visitors from entering.
This room is the chamber where the ancient daemon lord was said to be sealed.
Three Ogres are in the 10m corridor right behind the door, while the Ogre leader and woman are performing a ritual in the 15m x 20m room beyond. The Ogres are looking to unseal Bargadaras in hopes of bringing untold destruction to Terastier. They think they can control the ancient daemon lord, but unknown to them their rituals are incomplete, and the daemon will never be subdued by the Ogres.
If the PCs enter the corridor, the Ogre Warlord and Succubus will stop the ritual and turn to attack the party.
"You persistent insects! If you want to interfere with our ritual, we will crush you!"
Enemies: Ogre Warlord x1, Succubus x1, Ogre x3
The Ogre Warlord has 13 Sword Shards with him, and will attempt to use 《Multi-Action》 to make a magical attack against the Rearguard while melee attacking the Frontline. The Succubus will use magic to attack, and will attempt to use "Indecent Dreams" in order to incapacitate foes. All foes will fight to the death, and will not surrender.
If there are 4 or fewer PCs, reduce the number of Sword Shards carried, and remove the 3 Ogres entirely. If there are 6 or more PCs, use 2 Ogre Berserkers instead of 3 Ogres.
If the Barbarous are defeated, the scenario will end.
Defeating the Ogre Warlord and Succubus, and returning with Jean-Jacques will end the scenario.
No special encounters will occur on the way back to Duball, though if Faraliel was with the party, she may fly them back to the city for a grand entrance.
Marquis Beirre will be delighted if the PCs are able to bring back Jean-Jacques alive. In the future, the Marquis will be treated as a "friend" of the PCs (adding 400 points to their Total Reputation, as though they had spent it on the bond between characters).
In addition to the reward, the party will receive 1,000 + (1d x 10) Experience Points, as well as the Experience Points for all of the monsters defeated along the way.
Subsequent Developments
Through this incident, the PCs will not only become acquainted with Marquis Beirre, but will also have performed a valuable service in the name of the Kingdom of Duball. The party will become famous within the kingdon, and any PCs with Rider levels will be able to rent a Dragonet as a mount.
At the same time, it is apparent that the Barbarous were attempting to destroy not only the kingdom, but the rest of the continent as well. A grave threat such as this cannot be ignored, and there is no doubt the Barbarous will try more and more radical plans. While adventurers will undoubtedly be drawn into this conflict, it is possible the PCs could follow up on this attack and make an excursion into Barbarous lands.
However, if the PCs were underhanded and killed Faraliel, their duplicity will undoubtedly be discovered before long, and the Marquis Beirre will disavow any knowledge of the party. They will be treated as outlaws in the Dragon Kingdom, and have their own bounty hunters chasing them to the ends of the earth in order to extract justice for the slain dragon.