Notes Regarding Mounts in Combat
When a rider brings a mount into combat, there are a few changes to the flow of combat. This section will go into detail regarding those changes,
Riding in Battle
When engaging in combat, both the mounted PC and mount can actively participate. The mounted PC and mount are considered to have the same coordinates, and the movement type and speed used are those of the mount. While riding, the mount moves and performs Major Actions as commanded by the rider. As a general rule, if the mount is nor being ridden, it will not move or take Major Actions on its own, but will act on its own instincts.
Just like a monster with multiple sections, a mount and rider can act independently from each other, and are targeted separately for effects.
Mount Weaknesses
Just as with most monsters, mounts do have weaknesses, though specifics depend upon the type of mount. If an enemy spellcaster appears, it is a possibility that these weaknesses might be exploited.
Unlike monsters, whose weaknesses are found through a Monster Knowledge check, a mount's weaknesses are discovered through a contested roll at the start of the battle. The jockey's Rider Class Level + Intelligence Bonus is compared to the character with the highest Magic Power among the enemies, and if the jockey is successful, the mount's weaknesses are unusable. However, if the monsters win, then all enemies (not just the spellcaster) may take advantage of the mount's weaknesses. This check is made during the "Begin Combat" step.
Actions While Riding in Combat
Rider Behavior
The actions available for a rider to take in combat depends upon the mount's movement. For example, if the mount takes a Normal Move, then the rider is also limited to actions available after a Normal Move, and so on.
Weapon Restrictions while Riding
As a general rule, Wrestling type weapons cannot be used while mounted. Additionally, at least one hand must be used to control the mount, so any two-handed weapon cannot be used while mounted.
Mounting and Dismounting
In order for a character to mount up or dismount from a mount during combat, if that character does not have any levels in the Rider class, then they must mount up or dismount as a Major Action. However, if they have any levels in the Rider class, then these actions become Minor Actions. A character may choose to mount up or dismount either before or after the mount's movement, but can only choose to either mount up or dismount once per turn.
Sealing and Unsealing Statues in Combat
For more details on sealing a mount into a statue, unsealing a mount from a statue, or calling a mount from a magisphere, see "Mount Statues".
Behavior of Mounts in Combat
Mounts can, as their Major Action, use melee attacks and unique skills appropriate to the combat at hand. If there are any abilities that can be used as Minor Actions, they will be noted as such. Any unique skills the mount has are considered to be those able to be used after a Normal Move, unless otherwise noted. Generally, anything a PC can do during combat, a mount can also do. For example, attacking with ranged weapons or magic are actions that would require the mount to take a Limited Move.
Mounts with Multiple Sections
For mounts with multiple sections, only one section can be commanded per turn, but that section is able to use both Major and Minor Actions. It is possible to command different sections over the course of multiple turns.
In order to command multiple sections in the same turn, Stunts such as "Lion's Fury" or "Versatility" must be used.
Forcefully Dismounting
In situations where either the rider or mount is knocked prone, the rider falls off the mount, and is forced to stop riding. Similarly, if either the rider or the mount is forced to move, the rider will become unmounted as they will be at different coordinates after the forced movement. For example, if only the rider (or mount) is forced to move, the mount (or rider) will remain at its original coordinates, and the rider will fall prone after moving. If both the rider and mount are forced to move to the same coordinates, however, the rider will remain mounted.
Notes on 《Throw Attack》 and Similar Effects
When using 《Throw Attack》, or any other effect that involves counting the number of sections a character has, for convenience the rider and mount are considered to have the same number of sections as the mount normally + 1 (for the rider).
When a Rider or Mount Loses Consciousness
If either the rider or mount loses consciousness (i.e. from being put to sleep magically, having their HP drop to 0, etc), the rider falls prone off of the mount. If the rider is the one falling unconscious, they may not Tumble in order to prevent falling damage.
If a rider is forcefully dismounted and would fall prone, any passengers that may be riding along will also fall prone off of the mount.
Riders without Rider Class Levels
When a rider who does not have class levels in the Rider Class participates in combat, the rider themselves are in a state where both hands are unable to be used. Without a hand free to guide them, mounts cannot perform Major Actions in combat when mounted by such a rider.
Enemy Riders and Mounts
When an enemy with Rider levels appears, the rider and mount are considered two different monsters for determining Initiative, Reputation and Weakness. However, the handling of 《Throw Attack》 and similar effects, as well as forced dismounting, are treated the same as they would for a PC. Also, defeating both a mount and rider will offer the chance for loot from both enemies.