Ever dreamed of magnificent adventures, soaring in the skies with dragons, manipulating massive magical spells in order to call down meteorites, and even watching a deity show up in front of you? Have you ever longed to be a hero, one who can defeat everything in front of them endlessly?
This book will give you the chance to become a hero such as those, carving your own legacy out to sit among the ones that have come before. The time has finally come for your adventure to become a legend!
This book contains data for levels 11 to 15, the highest a humanoid can naturally attain. As such, there are a number of new spells, Combat Feats, and other abilities to make your character as powerful as the legends say. Of course, this power doesn't come overnight, and even getting to 10th level is an accomplishment in and of itself. However, what lies within is especially powerful, due to the requirements needed to attain them.
Additionally, with new powers and abilities come new monsters to use them on. These new foes are quite powerful in their own rights, often strong enough to repel a full frontal attack on their own. Some may be even more powerful than a whole party at 15th level, so proper tactics learned over your characters' long adventures, in addition to new abilities, will be the way forward.
Additionally, the new class "Rider" appears in this book. Becoming a Rider allows you to take your favorite horse, mythical beast or magitech construct into battle and fight as a single unit in the wilderness, plains, and even the sky and sea. Also, the new "Valkyrie" race has been introduced, as well as rules for creating a new character at higher levels of play, in case a new player wishes to join an already-existing campaign. There's also additional rules for various other situations that may occur during play, such as structural destruction, connecting with celebrities and NPCs, and new lists of NPCs and regions.
As long as you continue your journey, the adventure never ends. Time to carve out your own legend! Good luck!
Additional Notes
Riders and Character Sheets
With the new "Rider" class comes new Stunts to be used while riding. These Stunts have their own place on the character sheet already, so there's no need to try and add them in somewhere else. Additionally, "Rider" levels can be used for Monster Knowledge rolls, but only to determine the monster's stats, not it's Weak Point.
Rider Mount Management
In this book, the rules and data of the Mounts are posted along with Rider Stunts. This information is necessary to make sure the player is using the Rider's Stunts correctly. When using Mounts, it is recommended to copy the data of the Mount right off of the page, in order to have it handy when necessary.