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B-Rank Swords
- Knife: A small, single-edged blade no longer than 20cm. Also usable outside of combat with little difficulty.
- Dagger: A durable, double-edged blade between 20 and 30cm long, it is also able to be thrown if need be.
- Short Sword: A blade about 40cm long. Because it's easy to use with one hand, it is often useful in self-defense, or as a spare weapon.
- Rapier: A slender sword, mainly used with a thrusting stance. The thin blade is just under 1m long, and can flex quite a bit.
- Saber: A 1m long single-edged sword with a slight curve in the blade, it is especially well made for slashing.
- Estoc: A large two-handed sword. The blade is more of a cone-shape, designed to pierce rather than slash.
- Long Sword: A double-edged sword with a straight blade just over 1m long. One of the most commonly seen swords, it can be used one or two-handed.
- Broad Sword: A two-handed sword with a wide double-edged blade.
- Bastard Sword: A sword with a long hilt and a 1.5m long blade, it can easily be used one or two-handed.
- Falchion: A single-edged sword with a 1.5m long curved blade.
- Zweihander: A massive, 2m long sword designed to be used in both hands.
- Shamshir: A large sword with a large, warped single-edged blade. The total length of the blade is typically between 1.5 and 1.8m long.
- Great Sword: A long, two-handed sword with a thick, straight blade 2m long.
A-Rank Swords
- Flissa: A single-edged sword around 1m long. The blade itself is slightly warped, but retains sharpness surprisingly well.
- Flamberge: A long sword, it's 1.5m long blade is quite wavy. These waves are supposed to be reminiscent of flames, and reinforce the blade.
- Dragonslayer: A huge sword, well over 2m in length. It's said that this sword is strong enough to cut through even the neck of a dragon.
- Fast Spike: A small, 10cm needle-like dagger. While small, it can hit key points quite accurately.
- Defender: A straight blade 1m long, it has a large basket hilt designed to protect the user.
- Steel Blade: A steel sword made with sophisticated technology. It boasts a 1.2m long hardened steel blade.
S-Rank Swords
- Piercer: A 20cm long dagger designed for piercing, it can punch through gaps in armor and attack key points.
- Mythril Sword: A long sword made of mythril, with a blade just over 1m long. While light, it is razor sharp, and counts as a silvered weapon.
- Slasher: Similar to the Shamshir, this single-edged blade has a slight warp to emphasize sharpness. The blade is close to 1.5m long, and it is difficult to handle well.
- Claymore: A two-handed sword with a large crossguard and hilt. It's massive straight blade is easily more than 2m long.
- Sentinel: A huge two-handed sword with a double-edged blade over 2m long, the sight alone causing enemies to flee in fear.
SS-Rank Swords
- Angel Feather: A slender, straight sword lighter than a feather and razor-sharp. The total length of the blade is around 60cm.
- Hyperion: A 1.5m long sword with a shining blade, this sword is gracefully designed to give off a noble appearance.
- Geister: A 2m long black sword, the blade has a terrifying pattern forged into it. There is also a sickly miasma around the blade, affecting even the wielder.
B-Rank Axes
- Hand Axe: A one-handed axe, about 60cm long. While it can be used in melee, it's also weighted to be able to be easily thrown.
- Battle Axe: A double-bladed axe, these range from 80cm to 1m long.
- Great Axe: A 1.5m long axe designed to be used in two hands.
- Heavy Axe: A large, single-bladed axe over 1.5m long. While sharp, it relies more on the weight of the axe to cut through enemies.
- Bullova: A 1.5m long axe. This axe has some stigma around it, as they are often seen in the hands of executioners.
- Minotaur's Axe: Over 3m in length, this war axe is much larger and heavier than most, and so few people can actually use it effectively.
A-Rank Axes
- Halberd: Easily more than 2m long, this weapon has a spear tip attached to the haft behind the axe-head, allowing for both slashing and piercing attacks.
- Tabarzin: A lightweight one-handed axe. It's crescent-shaped head sits at the end of a 1m long handle.
- Long Axe: A long-handled axe, just under 2m in length. It has a spear tip attached to the haft, suitable for piercing thrusts as well.
S-Rank Axes
- Hatchet: A small axe, 30 to 50cm. Able to be thrown, it is also a useful tool for hikers and adventurers.
- Mythril Axe: A 1m long battle axe made of mythril. It is incredibly deadly for its size, and counts as a silvered weapon.
- Voulge: A long-handled weapon with a pointed axe at the end, these powerful weapons can reach up to 3m in length.
SS-Rank Axes
- Dynast: A 2m long two-handed battle axe with an incredibly large, beautifully detailed blade.
B-Rank Spears
- Javelin: A 1m long spear, designed specifically to be thrown.
- Short Spear: A 1m long spear, it is able to be wielded in one hand with little effort.
- Spear: A standard 2m long spear. It can be used either one- or two-handed.
- Long Spear: A spear whose haft is longer than 2m.
A-Rank Spears
- Ahlspeiss: This spear is roughly 1.5m long, though the actual metal tip of the spear has been extended to about half of that length.
- Pilum: A one-handed spear 2m long, it is made entirely out of metal. Its weight allows it to pierce metal armor quite easily.
- Trident: A 2m long spear, its tip is forked into three sharp points. Able to be thrown, it is also often used in fishing.
- Pike: A 3m long or longer spear, designed to counter cavalry charges by impaling the mounts.
- Normal Lance: An assault spear, designed to be used from horseback. About 3m long, it can also be used on foot, though to lesser effect.
S-Rank Spears
- Partisan: A long spear, usually 2m or so, with a broad spearhead.
- Mythril Spear: 2m long, this lightweight spear is easily able to pierce through heavy metal armor.
- Corsesca: A spear between 2 and 2.5m long, it has two wide blades extending from the tip.
- Heavy Lance: A much heavier lance, the weight of the weapon greatly increases its destructive ability.
SS-Rank Spears
- Fatal Lance: A powerful lance, blessed by fate. When riding, its offensive power is outstanding.
B-Rank Maces
- Light Mace: A lightweight hammer, its small size (50cm) allows for easy one-handed usage.
- Heavy Mace: 70cm long, this hammer is larger and heavier than the Light Mace, making it easier to crush enemies.
- Maul: Little more than a large iron ball on a handle, some mauls can reach up to 2m long and require two hands to wield properly.
- Ogre Maul: A much heavier Maul, this great weapon requires significant strength to pick up and use.
A-Rank Maces
- Biliong: A strange weapon, a hammer head extends from the 1m long handle at a right angle. Despite the odd appearance, it is still a deadly weapon.
- Steel Blow: A club with quality steel covering the ends of the hammer. Only around 50cm long, it is easy to swing one-handed.
- Ball Mace: Over 2m long, this is a version of the Light Mace only meant to be used two-handed.
S-Rank Maces
- Bludgeon: A crude weapon, around 1m long. What it lacks in appearance it more than makes up in sheer power.
- Mythril Mace: 70cm long, this mace is made of solid mythril. Trading weight for speed, it can deliver lightning-fast crushing blows.
- Troll Buster: A massive hammer, over 3m in length. It takes incredible strength to even pick this up, but it can crush foes in one blow.
SS-Rank Maces
- Zeno: A 2m long mace with a large head. It is said to be able to track its target while in combat, ensuring it will never miss.
B-Rank Staves
- Mage Staff: A straight wooden staff, typically between 1 and 1.5m long. It can be used as a Magical Implement.
- Quarterstaff: This solid wood staff is just under 2m long, and can be used as a spellcaster's Magical Implement.
A-Rank Staves
- Mana Staff: A small magical wand, less than 1m long, with spent Mako Stone shards and other jewels embedded in the ends.
- Leech Staff: Over 2m long, this ornate staff has its own magical power that skilled spellcasters can tap into.
S-Rank Staves
- Black Rod: This magical wand allows the user to conserve mana. About 2m long, it can easily be identified by its blackened wood.
- Sorcerer's Staff: This 2m long staff has a large jewel inlaid into one end. Just holding it enhances one's concentration.
SS-Rank Staves
- Magus: This staff is embedded with blood-red jewels, dully glowing with an inner light. Holding it allows one to channel life into mana.
B-Rank Flails
- Light Flail: Suitable for one-handed use, this 50cm long flail is little more than a single weight chained to a handle.
- Flail: Typically between 70 and 80cm long, a normal flail had multiple chains attached to a single handle, each with their own weight.
- Morningstar: Though this weapon is a spiked ball at the end of a chain, the danger comes from its crushing weight, rather than the spikes.
- Heavy Flail: Originally a grain threshing tool, this weapon is a slightly smaller rod chained to the 1m long handle.
A-Rank Flails
- Goedendag: A stick made of chains and reinforced with spikes is attached to a 2m long handle.
- Rising Sun: Similar to the Morningstar, though this weapon replaces the iron spikes with deadly sharp blades.
- Scorpion Tail: A 1m long handle that has three small spiked balls chained to it.
S-Rank Flails
- Jail Impact: An iron ball sits at the end of a 2m long chain, which swings in unexpected ways.
- Titan Flail: A chain longer than 2m is attached to a handle, a massive iron ball at the end of the chain. A direct hit with this is devastating.
SS-Rank Flails
- Silver Comet: 1.5m long, it is similar in style to the Morningstar. However, this weapon leaves a silver trail behind when swung, allowing for accurate attacks.
B-Rank Warhammers
- Pick: A small pickaxe, this 80cm long weapon can also be used as a mining tool.
- Warhammer: A combat hammer with claws on one side of the head. Just under 1m long, it can easily be used one-handed.
- Mattock: A large pickaxe, typically between 1 and 1.5m long. While not suited for combat, it is powerful nonetheless.
A-Rank Warhammers
- Bec-De-Corbin: A long-handled weapon, this 2m long weapon has a spear tip and a pick similar to that of a raven's beak at the end.
- War Pick: A 1m long pick with a wider blade, designed specifically as a weapon.
- Guisarme: This weapon has a razor-sharp, hooked blade at the end of its 3m long handle.
S-Rank Warhammers
- Chekan: A 50cm long sickle-like weapon. Difficult to wield correctly, but powerful when used properly.
- Bec-De-Faucon: Similar to the Bec-De-Corbin, this 2m long weapon has a wide blade instead of the pick at the end.
- Heavy Anchor: A massive steel weapon in the shape of an anchor. Little can stand up to a swing of this gargantuan weapon.
SS-Rank Warhammers
- Rosenhagen: 1.5m long, this warhammer has an ornate design with thorny roses and flowers. However, it is still a deadly weapon.
B-Rank Wrestling
- Cestus: Metal plates attached to fist wrappings, they may occasionally have spikes as well.
- Spiked Boots: Durable shin-high boots reinforced with metal plates, the spikes on the bottom allow for dangerous kicks.
A-Rank Wrestling
- Hard Knuckles: Fist wraps that support larger metal plates, these reinforce the knuckles and backs of the hand for stronger punches.
- Stompers: Boots specifically designed for fighting, they have metal reinforced soles.
- Power Wrist: Bracelets specifically designed to stiffen the wrist, allowing for accurate, powerful strikes.
- Power Anklet: Anklets that stiffen the ankle and foot, allowing for straighter, more explosive kicks.
S-Rank Wrestling
- Tonfa: A hooked club with a right-angled handle, tonfas are often reinforced with iron rods. Usually 30 to 50cm long, they can be swung or punched with.
- Accel Brogue: A perfectly designed pair of fighting boots, these leather knee-high boots may be reinforced with metal studs.
SS-Rank Wrestling
- Hands of Glory: Luxurious gloves, these cover up to one's elbows while still allowing for full range of movement.
- Legs of Honor: These leather knee-high boots provide both offense and defense, all while being beautifully and skillfully engraved.
B-Rank Thrown
- Stone: An ordinary rock. Typically used to repel unwanted guests or monsters, or as a last resort in place of a real weapon.
A-Rank Thrown
- Chakram: A steel ring, between 15 and 30cm in diameter. Thrown by holding the inner side, as the outer edge is a razor-sharp blade.
- Dirk: A small dagger, only about 20cm long, its wide blade designed specifically for throwing.
- Boomerang: A thin metal plate, about 50cm long, with a large bend in the middle. When thrown in a large arc, it will return without fail.
- Soliferrum: A thin, 1.5m long throwing spear made entirely of metal. Its heavy weight and design give it a lot of power, despite a short range.
S-Rank Thrown
- Mythril Dirk: A Dirk whose blade is entirely mythril, it is only half the size, at 10cm long, but much more easily concealed.
- Assegai: A short spear that resembles an arrow. Typically only 30 to 50cm long, it is unwieldy, but quite dangerous in the right hands.
- Francisca: A large throwing axe, typically between 50 and 70cm long. For a thrown weapon, it can be incredibly powerful.
SS-Rank Thrown
- Tri-Edge: A throwing weapon with three 10cm blades protruding from it. It can be folded for storage, and will always return when thrown.
B-Rank Bows
- Short Bow: A lightweight bow, it's small size (less than 1m long) means that even weak people are able to use it effectively.
- Normal Bow: A standard wooden bow, around 1.5m long.
- Long Bow: 2m long, this bow's extra length allows it to shoot arrows farther and more powerfully than other bows.
- Heavy Bow: A strong bow, between 1.5 and 2m long. Pulling the string back requires the whole body to flex, not just the arms.
A-Rank Bows
- Wrapped Bow: A synthetic bow, made of wood and animal tendons. Though it's only 1.5m long and smaller than a Long Bow, it is just as powerful.
- Light Bow: A Normal Bow that has been stripped of excess weight for a better flex.
- Fast Bow: A bow that's easy to use, hunters favor this 1.5m long bow for its speed and accuracy.
S-Rank Bows
- Sniper: 1.5m long, this bow has been expertly constructed and tuned to accurately hit long-range targets.
- Composite Bow: Made of layers of wood, animal tendons and skins, this 1.2m long bow is much more powerful than it would appear.
SS-Rank Bows
- Le Indalia: This 1.2m long bow is elegantly designed with a wind motif. Blessed by wind fairies, its accuracy and power are incredible.
B-Rank Crossbows
- Light Crossbow: A lightweight crossbow. Only 30cm long, it is not difficult to carry or use.
- Normal Crossbow: A standard crossbow, usually anywhere between 30 and 50cm long. Quarrels are fired with the press of a trigger.
- Heavy Crossbow: Just over 50cm long, this crossbow is more heavy-duty than the others, so a good amount of strength is needed to fire.
A-Rank Crossbows
- Thami: A portable crossbow, designed to be disassembled for travel. Around 50cm long, it is powerful enough.
- Bowgun: 20 to 30cm long, this miniaturized crossbow is able to be used one-handed.
- Arbalest: A 1m long crossbow, used in numbers during a siege. A stirrup is attached to the front to aid in loading.
- Cranequin: This 1m long crossbow is a work of art, with a crank and pulley to help load. However, it is also quite awkward to carry.
S-Rank Crossbows
- String Bow: An expertly crafted 50cm long crossbow, it is able to be used as a musical instrument while retaining its accuracy.
- Despair: A 1m long crossbow with a good range.
- Ballista: The largest man-portable crossbow, these siege weapons are nearly 2m long.
SS-Rank Crossbows
- Garde: Over 1m long, this large crossbow trades ease of use for overwhelming power. Even loading it takes a lever mechanism.
B-Rank Guns
- Serpentine: A simple one-handed gun, only about 20cm long, that is fired using a lit match.
- Toradar: A long barreled rifle-type gun, its 1m long barrel allows for accurate long-distance shots.
- Jezail: A 1.5m long rifle-type gun with better range and power than the Toradar.
A-Rank Guns
- Derringer: A one-handed gun designed to fit into one's pockets. Downside is the small number of bullets it can hold.
- Tempest: Though it's a rifle-type gun, it has a full magazine and is suitable for longer battles without reloading too often.
- Longbarrel: A single-shot rifle over 1.5m long, it boasts high power, accuracy and range.
S-Rank Guns
- Bullet Shower: A 20cm long gun, this small package is quite reliable, and can hold a decent number of bullets for its size.
- Lancaster: A high-performance rifle, this single shot gun is over 1.5m long. With this gun's power, a single shot is all that's needed.
- Carnage: 2m long, this massive gun trades accuracy for unmatched power among guns.
SS-Rank Guns
- Full Fire: 80cm long, this short-barreled gun can keep firing long after other guns have had to reload.
- Desperado: This massive gun, nearly 2m long, has excellent range and power. To own one is to own a masterpiece of gunsmithing.
- Arrow: Bow ammunition. Typically made of either an iron or silver head attached to a wooden shaft, with fletchings to guide it mid-flight.
- Quarrel: Crossbow ammunition. Shorter than arrows, the straight shaft is entirely metal, usually iron or silver, with no fletchings.
- Bullet: Gun ammunition. The size of a fingertip, made of a ceramic derived from crushed Mako Stones, occasionally laced with silver. The hardness and power change depending upon the amount of Magic Power the user can generate. Shatters upon impact.
- Arrow Case: A cylindrical case that can hold up to 12 arrows or quarrels. Comes with a cover to keep moisture out.
- Gun Belt: A belt that holds up to 12 bullets, protecting them from shattering and making reloading during combat much easier.
- Quiver: A leather box that holds 24 arrows or quarrels. With no cover, arrows and quarrels can fall out much easier, so only skilled archers use these.
- Bullet Pouch: A pouch that can hold 24 bullets. Some skill is required to wear, so bullets don't accidentally get crushed when moving.
Nonmetallic Armor
B-Rank Nonmetallic Armor
- Cloth Armor: Armor made of thick, padded cloth. Not very durable, but better than nothing.
- Point Guard: Waxed leather armor worn only in key areas, such as the chest, shoulders, arms and shins. Used to parry attacks.
- Soft Leather: Armor made of tanned leather. Because it's not hardened, it does not impede movement.
- Hard Leather: Leather armor boiled in wax to harden it. While it retains its shape, it is still fairly lightweight.
A-Rank Nonmetallic Armor
- Aramid Coat: Made of a special fiber used during the Al Menas era, this light yet tough coat can even deflect blades.
- Breast Armor: A soft leather armor, providing defense and covering vital points in the chest area.
- Bone Vest: Soft armor reinforces with animal bone and horn. When used correctly, it can even be harder than metal armor.
S-Rank Nonmetallic Armor
- Lynx Vest: Armor made from high-quality animal fur. While not the greatest defensively, it still allows for a great deal of mobility.
- Dragon Scale: Scales of leather, boiled in wax and layered to look like dragon scales. Because of it's non-metallic nature, it makes little noise.
SS-Rank Nonmetallic Armor
- Astral Guard: Cloth armor embroidered with threads of mana, this armor prevents both physical and magical damage to the wearer.
- Phoenix Cloak: Cloth armor with a flame motif. Only those who are physically and mentally fit can take advantage of this armor.
Metal Armor
B-Rank Metal Armor
- Splint Armor: Armor made by sewing plates onto cloth. Knights often wear this during peacetime because of its protection and elaborate designs.
- Chainmail: Fine chains of metal are woven into a full suit of armor. The metal reinforcing plates used do hinder mobility, though.
- Plate Armor: Armor made from sheets of metal worked into shape. It does restrict movement some, but does offer great protection.
- Suit Armor: Finely made armor, with a minimum of gaps. Despite its high Defense, movement is at a minimum.
A-Rank Metal Armor
- Brigandine: Similar to Splint Armor, Brigandine has chains sewn into the armor as well. However, movement is also restricted a little more.
- Fortress: This armor attempts to improve the mobility of Suit Armor by using thicker torso armor instead of restricting the limbs. Weight is still an issue, though.
- Steel Guard: A type of Splint Armor made with solid steel plates, the Steel Guard improves Defense without sacrificing mobility.
S-Rank Metal Armor
- Mythril Chain: Made with woven chains of mythril, this armor is much lighter than normal Chainmail, while offering better protection.
- Full-Metal Armor: An improvement on the Fortress using high-quality steel. The joint structure is much more refined, allowing better movement.
- Mythril Plate: Armor made of massive plates of mythril. To the average knight, this armor is second to none.
SS-Rank Metal Armor
- Imperial: A strong armor, made of an alloy of manatite and steel. Current technology cannot create more of this alloy, only reshape it, making these suits of armor incredibly valuable.
B-Rank Shields
- Buckler: A small shield, with a diameter typically between 20 and 30cm. These shields are usually used to parry enemy attacks.
- Round Shield: A circular shield, with a diameter 60 to 80cm long. While made of wood, the edges and center are reinforced with metal.
- Kite Shield: A large wooden shield, curved at the top but extending to a point at the bottom. Key areas are reinforced with metal.
- Tower Shield: A massive rectangular shield that hides one's whole body. Made of metal-reinforced wood, it takes some strength to use correctly.
A-Rank Shields
- Spiked Shield: A large circular shield with deadly spikes attached. For when offense is the best defense.
- Mirror Shield: A small, 50cm diameter shield made of polished, reflective metal.
- Heater Shield: Similar to a Kite Shield, though the top is flat instead of curved. Family crests are often painted on these shields.
- Great Wall: A large metal shield, it provides incredible protection as one can hide entirely behind it.
- Knight Shield: A large Heater Shield, covering down to one's feet. Because of the size, riders often have one to protect their mounts.
S-Rank Shields
- Mythril Shield: A large shield made entirely of mythril, they can come in a number of sizes and shapes.
- Blade Killer: A large oval shield with blades on the top and bottom to attack with. Terrifyingly heavy, it is also incredibly sturdy.
SS-Rank Shields
- Glorious: A Heater Shield made of manatite. Its beautiful design inspires an overwhelming sense of awe in all who see it.