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Uses of the Rider Class

When riding a mount as a jockey, you can have the mount move and act according to your orders. No vocalizations or gestures are needed to issue such commands, however at least one hand needs to be in control of the mount in order to control and command the current mount. Controlling a mount is a Minor Action, and the jockey is able to have the mount take its Move, perform a Major Action, and perform any number of Minor Actions (within reason).

Acquiring Stunts

When a character becomes a Rider, they also learn how to get the most out of any of the mounts they ride, whether animal, vehicle or otherwise. When taking a level of the Rider class, including the first, the character is able to choose a Stunt from the Stunts available to them. Some stronger Stunts are restricted by level, limiting their use to the more experienced Riders. As a general rule, Stunts can only be performed while riding a mount, are typically not magical effects, and do not cost MP to perform.

How to Read Stunts

Example Rider Stunt

1. Name: The name of the Stunt. The symbol in front of the name shows the type of Action, if any, needed to perform the Stunt.

౦: These Stunts are always active.
: These Stunts are performed as Minor Actions. It may be possible to perform multiple Minor Action Stunts at the same time.
Ж: These Stunts are performed as Major Actions.
ᐁ: These Stunts automatically occur once the appropriate conditions are met.

2. Prerequisites: A list of the Stunts needed to be learned beforehand, if any.
3. Compatible: The types of mounts that are able to perform the Stunt in question.
4. Area: The area of the mount which is actually performing the Stunt and receiving the benefit thereof.

None: This Stunt has no effect on the mount, and instead affects the Rider and passengers.
Main: This Stunt only affects the Main Section of the mount if the mount has multiple Sections.
All: This Stunt affects the entirety of the mount.

5. Overview: A quick overview of the Stunt and its effects.
6. Effect: Detailed descriptions of the Stunt and its effects. For Stunts that refer to stats such as "Rider Class Level" or "Intelligence Modifier" (for example), refer to the jockey's stats.

List of Stunts

1st Level Rider Required

Prerequisites: None Compatible: Animals, Mythical Beasts Area: Main
-1 on certain checks
The mount states at a target in the same battlefield with lethal intent, intimidating and frightening them. A contested roll is made between the rider's Rider Class Level + Spirit Modifier against the target's Willpower. If the Stunt is successful, the target receives a -1 penalty to Accuracy, Spellcasting and any check of Unique Skills made with Major Action. This is a Psychic-type effect, and can only be performed once every 10 seconds (1 round).

Using this Stunt causes the mount to spend 5 MP.

౦ Remote Command
Prerequisites: None Compatible: Animals, Mythical Beasts Area: All
Command a mount from up to 30m away
With this Stunt, the jockey can be up to 30m away and issue commands to their mount. A mount that is either an Animal or a Mythical Beast is able to hear their jockey and perform the command to the best of their abilities. The mount can also perform Stunts, and the Area of those Stunts can be shifted to either Main or All as the jockey sees fit.

This Stunt has no effect while the jockey is riding a mount.

౦ Enhance Mount
Prerequisites: None Compatible: Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech Area: Main or All
Strengthens the mount temporarily
This Stunt tightens the control the Rider has over the mount, increasing the mount's Accuracy and Evasion by +1. If the mount has multiple Sections, then only the Main Section receives such a bonus; if the mount has no sections at all, then the whole mount will be affected.

ᐁ Mount's Devotion
Prerequisites: None Compatible: Animals, Mythical Beasts Area: Main
If jockey would fall to 0 HP or lower, mount takes hit instead
When being ridden by a jockey at the same coordinates, if the jockey would receive damage that would reduce them to 0 HP or lower, the mount may take the damage instead. After determining the applied damage that would be dealt to the jockey, reduce the mount's HP by that much instead. If a mount has multiple sections, only the Main Section can be a substitute in this way.

This Stunt can only be used once per combat.

౦ Attack Obstruction
Prerequisites: None Compatible: Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech Area: None
Rider/Passenger Evasion +1
The mount is maneuvered in such ways as to provide the rider and any passengers a +1 bonus to Evasion while riding.

౦ Elevated Attack
Prerequisites: None Compatible: Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech Area: None
Rider/Passenger Physical Damage +2
When riding a mount, this Stunt increases the physical damage done by the rider and any passengers by +2. This includes not only melee attacks, but any ranged attacks and thrown weapons as well.

౦ Search Command
Prerequisites: None Compatible: Animals, Mythical Beasts Area: Main
Mount can use Track, Danger Sense and Search
The jockey can command the mount to attempt to use the Track, Danger Sense and/or Search skills. These skills are resolved using Rider class level + Intelligence modifier, and utilize the enhanced senses of the mount in order to find what the rider is looking for. In order to make a skill check, the rider must be dismounted and holding the reins of the mount.

౦ Tandem
Prerequisites: None Compatible: Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech Area: None
Passengers may perform Actions at disadvantage
By shifting their weight and supporting themselves with one arm, passengers may perform Major and Minor Actions while riding along with the jockey. However, they do receive a -2 penalty to all Actions when doing so.

Prerequisites: None Compatible: Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech Area: All
Increase damage by attacking after movement
Before moving, the jockey can declare a Charge. In doing so, the mount takes a Normal Move, and the first melee attack made this turn by either the jockey or mount deals an extra +1 damage per 5m moved (rounded up). The distance moved is measured by the shortest path between the mount's starting point and the attack target, regardless of the actual route taken. If the attack misses, the damage bonus is lost.

If the mount cannot take a Normal Move, this Stunt cannot be used.

౦ HP Enhancement
Prerequisites: None Compatible: Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech Area: All
Mount Max HP +10
Increase the Maximum HP of all sections of the mount by +10.

5th Level Rider Required

Limit Drive
Prerequisites: None Compatible: Magitech Area: All
Runaway mount gives +2 Accuracy, +4 damage, -2 Evasion
WWhen this Stunt is used, for the next 10 seconds (1 round), the Accuracy of all sections of the Mount are increased by +2, and all physical damage dealt by the mount is increased by +4. However, the Evasion of all mount’s sections and jockey are reduced by -2 until the beginning of the next turn.

This Stunt can only be used once per combat.

Lion's Fury
Prerequisites: None Compatible: Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech Area: All
Take up to two Major Actions
If the mount has multiple sections, this Stunt can be used to give up to two of those sections a Major Action during the mount's turn. Any section that takes a Major Action with this Stunt receives a -2 penalty to their Evasion until the beginning of the next turn.

౦ Riding as One
Prerequisites: None Compatible: Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech Area: None
Ride a mount using no hands
With training, the jockey can control the mount using only commands and by shifting their weight. This allows the jockey to ride while having both hands free to perform Actions with.

౦ Improved Elevated Attack
Prerequisites: Elevated Attack Compatible: Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech Area: None
Rider/Passenger Physical Damage additional +2 (total +4)
When riding a mount, this Stunt further increases the physical damage done by the rider and any passengers by +2, to a total of +4 damage. This includes not only melee attacks, but any ranged attacks and thrown weapons as well.

౦ Unique Skill Release
Prerequisites: None Compatible: Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech Area: All
Use unique skills of mounts
With this Stunt, mount unique skills that have "Prerequisite: Unique Skill Release" can now be used. Additionally, unique skills with "Enhance: Unique Skill Release" can be used to their full extent.

Ж Trample
Prerequisites: Charge Compatible: Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech Area: All
Move and attack with Area: Breakthrough
The mount runs in a straight line across the battlefield and attacks all targets on its way. Before moving, the jockey can declare they are going to trample. Make a melee attack once with any section of the mount (including the jockey) on all targets within "Range: Mount's Full Move" and "Area: Breakthrough". Accuracy is rolled for each attack separately.

Ж Magic Command
Prerequisites: None Compatible: Animals, Mythical Beasts Area: All
Mount can use magic
If the mount is one that can use magic spells, this Stunt allows the jockey to command the mount to cast a spell as a Major Action. The mount can cast spells as appropriate, such as being able to ignore metal armor penalties, the presence of the jockey, language barriers, etc.

౦ Improved HP Enhancement
Prerequisites: HP Enhancement Compatible: Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech Area: All
Mount Max HP additional +10 (total +20)
Increase the Maximum HP of all sections of the mount by an additional +10, to a total of +20.

౦ MP Transfer
Prerequisites: None Compatible: Animals, Mythical Beasts Area: Main
Jockey can use Mount's MP
With this Stunt, the jockey is able to use the MP of the mount currently being ridden. This Stunt is treated the same as if the jockey were using MP from a Mako Stone (though this Stunt cannot also be combined with the use of a Mako Stone when spending MP). The amount of MP that can be used in this manner is equal to the character's Rider class levels, and MP can only be transferred from the Main Section (if the mount has multiple sections).

10th Level Rider Required

౦ Improved Enhance Mount
Prerequisites: Enhance Mount Compatible: Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech Area: Main or All
Mount receives additional enhancements
With this Stunt, the mount is significantly more mobile, increasing the mount's Accuracy and Evasion by an additional +1 (for a total of +2). If the mount has multiple Sections, then only the Main Section receives such a bonus; if the mount has no sections at all, then the whole mount will be affected.

Ж Mounted Command
Prerequisites: None Compatible: Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech Area: None
Riders and Companions Accuracy +2
By surveying the battlefield, the rider can lead others to success. As a Major Action, the jockey can grant all allies in the same battlefield (including the mount) a +2 bonus to Accuracy.

౦ Greater Elevated Attack
Prerequisites: Improved Elevated Attack Compatible: Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech Area: None
Rider/Passenger Physical Damage additional +4 (total +8)
When riding a mount, this Stunt further increases the physical damage done by the rider and any passengers by +4, to a total of +8 damage. This includes not only melee attacks, but any ranged attacks and thrown weapons as well.

౦ Rampage
Prerequisites: Charge Compatible: Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech Area: All
Additional Major Action after Charge
After making a Charge attack, the jockey can take one additional Major Action (using the section that made the melee attack from Charge) at the coordinates where they finished making their Charge.

౦ Supercharge
Prerequisites: Charge Compatible: Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech Area: All
Charge even after a Full Move
This Stunt allows the jockey to declare a Charge even after taking a Full Move. As with Charge, only one section of the mount (including the jockey) can make a melee attack. If the jockey uses Supercharge to make a Charge attack, they cannot also use Rampage.

౦ Overdrive
Prerequisites: Limit Drive Compatible: Magitech Area: All
All sections make additional Major Action
When using Limit Drive, all sections of the mount that receive the benefit of that Stunt may also make an additional Major Action that turn. However, after all extra Major Actions have been taken, the jockey and all sections of the mount take 10 unpreventable damage in addition to the Evasion penalty from Limit Drive.

౦ Improved Attack Obstruction
Prerequisites: Attack Obstruction Compatible: Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech Area: None
Rider/Passenger Evasion Additional +1 (Total +2)
The mount is maneuvered to provide the rider and any passengers an additional +1 bonus to Evasion while riding, for a total of +2.

౦ Unique Skill Perfect Release
Prerequisites: Unique Skill Release Compatible: Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech Area: All
Use all unique skills of mounts
With this Stunt, mount abilities that have "Prerequisite: Unique Skill Perfect Release" can now be used. Additionally, abilities with "Enhance: Unique Skill Perfect Release" can be used to their full extent.

Ж Orochi's Fury
Prerequisites: Lion's Fury Compatible: Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech Area: All
Take Major Actions with all sections
If the mount has multiple sections, this Stunt can be used to take a Major Action with each of those sections during the mount's turn.

౦ Balance
Prerequisites: None Compatible: Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech Area: None
Jockey acts independently of mount
The jockey can steady themselves while riding, allowing them to take any Action that would be possible after a Limited Move, even if the mount made Normal Move during the same turn.