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Learning Songs

Each time a character takes a level in Bard, they may choose one Spellsong from the following list, and learn that Spellsong. Some Spellsongs require a minimum Bard level in order to learn, and cannot be learned by those Bards of lower level. For example, a 5th Level Bard would know five different Spellsongs, and would be able to learn any Spellsong that requires a 5th level or lower Bard.

Spellsong Requirements

In order to use a Spellsong, a musical instrument is required. Averaging about 100G, the instrument must be capable of performing melodies in order to be used in this fashion. Both hands would be required to play Spellsongs, which naturally precludes the use of any sort of weapon or shield.

Depending upon the specific Spellsong, singing might be required as well. If unable to speak, Spellsongs that require singing are unable to be used, and those that have optional singing effects will be unable to activate those extra effects.

Movement Restrictions

When using a Spellsong in combat (whether activating one for the first time, or continuing to play an already ongoing Spellsong), the performing Bard may only take a Limited Move. Any faster movement would disrupt the Bard from being able to continue playing.

Using Spellsongs

Using a Spellsong is a Major Action, and takes up the bulk of a Bard's turn. If a Spellsong requires a Magic Power check, that check will usually be "Bard Level + Spirit Modifier". If the Spellsong persists over a number of rounds, the same check result is used, without rolling each round.

Some Spellsongs have a prelude, which will delay the effect of that Spellsong, but for the most part Spellsongs will take effect immediately.

Despite the name, Spellsongs are not actually magical effects, so spells like "Sense Magic" and "Mana Search" will not detect any active effects of a Spellsong. Additionally, Combat Feats such as 《Magic Control》 and 《Metamagic/Area》 have no effect, though there are Combat Feats that do affect Spellsongs.

Targets of Spellsongs

Due to their loud nature, Spellsongs will indiscriminately affect all those who hear them. The area of effect is centered on the Bard, and affects a range equal to the character's Bard Level x 10m radius. If the Bard happens to move while playing, the affected area will move with them.

Bards have the option to exclude themselves from their effects. If a Bard has multiple body segments, this exclusion does not discriminate; if the Bard chooses to exclude themselves from the effects of a Spellsong, all segments will be excluded. If the Bard wished to include themselves in their Spellsong's effects, then all segments are included. There is no in-between.

Overlapping Effect Areas

When it comes to multiple Bards playing different Spellsongs, only the Bard with the highest Magic Power check result (as noted above) will have their Spellsong's effects active. In case of a tie, the Bard who has been playing for longer will have their effects take precedence.

Spellsong Resistance

Some Spellsongs can have their effects be resisted with a Willpower check, effectively negating the Spellsong for that character, and this will be noted in their description. If a Spellsong does not have this notation, then it is assumed that the Spellsong will always affect those who can hear it.

Bardic Advantage

If a Bard hears a Spellsong being performed, even if they cannot see the performer, they immediately know the name and effect of the Spellsong.

On the other hand, non-Bards may be able to understand that a Spellsong is being played if they've been exposed to Spellsongs in the past, but will be unable to determine the exact name and effect of a particular Spellsong. Monsters in particular will need to make a Willpower check for each Spellsong that allows resistance.

Spellsongs and Hearing

In order for a character to be affected by a Spellsong, they must be able to hear the music being performed. Even if the Spellsong doesn't allow for resistance, if a character cannot hear a Spellsong being performed, they will be unaffected by it.

Characters who can hear may plug their ears, granting them a +2 bonus to resist the effects of the Spellsong. However, in doing so, they also receive a -2 penalty for being hard of hearing for those checks that would be affected.

Entering and Exiting the Area of Effect

As long as the Bard continues to play their Spellsong, it will affect all those within the area of effect. However, if a character moves out of that area and stays out at the end of their movement, the effect of the Spellsong immediately ends for that character.

If, however, a character moves into the area of effect from outside of it, they will be affected by the Spellsong at the end of the next character's turn. If the Spellsong requires a Willpower check, it will be made at that point.

If a character decides to move such that they are in the Spellsong's area of effect at the beginning and end of the move, even if they moved outside of the area of effect during their movement, then they do not lose the benefit of the Spellsong.

Continuing Spellsongs

Some Spellsongs can have their effects extend over several turns, so long as the Bard performing them chooses to continue performing. If they do choose to continue playing, Major Actions cannot be taken, only Minor Actions, and even then Minor Actions that do not involve gestures or vocalization cannot be performed.

If a character fails their check to resist the Spellsong, they remain under the effect for as long as the Spellsong continues. However, if they pass the check to resist the Spellsong's effects, they do not need to continue to make additional saves. If a character who has previously resisted a Spellsong leaves the area of effect, then later re-enters the area of effect in a different round, they will still remain immune to the effects of the Spellsong (so long as it is still the same Spellsong being performed).

The Bard performing the Spellsong may, at the beginning of their turn, choose to end the Spellsong they are performing. If they do so, then as their Major Action that same turn, they may choose to begin playing another Spellsong. Even if this new Spellsong is the same one the Bard was playing prior, it is still treated as a new Spellsong for the purposes of any checks and resistances that need to be made.


Some Spellsongs require a small amount of time to pass before they begin to have an effect. If a Spellsong requires a prelude like this, it will be noted in the Spellsong description.

Once a Spellsong that require a prelude begin to be played, each time the player's turn begins, time is counted as if 10 seconds (one round) had elapsed. At the end of the turn, when the time required for the prelude has elapsed, the Spellsong will take effect.

If the Spellsong requires any checks to be made (for example to determine the Magic Power of the Spellsong, or to resist the effects of it), they are made when the Spellsong goes into effect, not when the Spellsong is first played. However, if it's necessary to determine the Magic Power of a Spellsong before that point (for example, if two Bards begin playing and their areas of effect overlap), then the check is made at that point, and carries forward.

Characters entering the area of effect after the Spellsong has begun will be affected by the Spellsong once the required prelude time has elapsed. The time calculation isn't so strict as to determine exactly when the character enters the area of effect, but simplifies it down to "one round has passed when the player's turn starts."

If a character leaves the area of effect before the prelude time has elapsed, they receive no effect from the Spellsong. If they leave and re-enter the area of effect, then the prelude time is reset to 0, and the requisite time must pass again.

Ending Spellsongs

A Spellsong's effects end once the performing Bard ceases playing. They can also be ended through some spells, as well as some unique skills. Unless otherwise noted, a Spellsong is treated as a Psychic-attribute effect, and can be removed via applicable effects.

If the Spellsong itself is stopped, any lingering effect is immediately lost. However, the player may choose to start playing again on their next turn, and may even choose to perform the same Spellsong.

If a specific character resists the Spellsong's effects, the Spellsong can continue to be played, but that character will be able to ignore any effects that come from that Spellsong.


Some Spellsongs require singing lyrics along with playing an instrument in order to get the full effect of the Spellsong. If the Bard is using any sort of wind instrument, such as a flute or other instrument that requires the character's breath to function, then they cannot perform any of these Spellsongs.

Lyrics sung by the Bard in these Spellsongs are special words from ancient times, passed down across the generations. At this point, even the singers don't understand the words and their meanings, though there are often attempts to decipher these old songs. Even though the exact translation of these lyrics have been lost to time, Bards know well enough that they still have power within them, released through the Spellsongs.

One theory is that these songs date back to the old Schnell period, when the gods themselves walked Raxia. However, even through the "Tongues" spell these lyrics cannot be deciphered.

Requests/Guiding Lyrics

Some Spellsongs can ask or order the target to do a task. When using such Spellsongs, the Bard weaves the request into the lyrics of the Spellsong, using a language that they can speak. Only those who understand the request (i.e. those who can understand the same language the Bard is speaking) will be compelled to act accordingly.


Some Bards are skilled enough to charm various pets to follow them, playing their own Spellsongs as well. Rules for these pets are detailed below.

Buying Pets

When a character takes their 3rd level in Bard, they may choose to have a pet aid them in playing Spellsongs. These pets are chosen from among birds, frogs and insects. Each category of pet allows a different set of Spellsongs to be performed.

While specific species and individual characteristics should be hashed out between the player and GM, these pets do not have any HP or MP, nor do they have any in-game characteristics outside of these Spellsong-related abilities.

At 5th level and 7th level, the Bard may take an additional pet, to a maximum of 3 pets at any given time.

Pets are priced at a minimum of 100G. While the Bard is free to acquire more expensive pets, this does not change the game's numbers.

Assisted Performances

When the Bard begins performing a Spellsong, unless specifically ordered not to, the Bard's pets will begin to perform along with them. However, if there are any lyrics that need to be recited, the pet will not be able to recite them.

At the end of the Bard's next round, they can have their pet take over performing. This is treated the same as if the Bard themselves were performing the Spellsong, down to keeping the result of any checks made, and can continue as long as the Bard chooses to have the Spellsong continue to play.

A Bard can use a Minor Action to signal a pet to stop performing. This signal can be completely nonverbal, can only be a simple gesture or words, and does not need to be unique for each pet. If a Bard has multiple pets, they may stop each pet's performance individually.

Even if they watch and learn the gestures and words to do so, a Bard cannot signal another Bard's pets to stop singing.

Once a pet stops performing a particular Spellsong, it will not resume performing that particular Spellsong again. However, if the Bard stops playing, then begins a new Spellsong (even if they're just replaying the original Spellsong), then any pets will begin to accompany the Bard during that new Spellsong.

Pet's Area of Effect

Regardless of the Bard class level, a pet's area of effect will always be a 10m radius. Basically, the pet will sit on the shoulders of the Bard, or in their pockets, or some other out of the way spot, keeping their position with the player. Much like with the Bard normally, if the pet moves, the area of effect moves with them.

Pets can continue to perform even if the Bard takes a Normal Move or a Full Move. However, if the pet leaves the owner, the Spellsong will end immediately.

Pet Limitations

Pets can only sing up to 3 Spellsongs a day, and even then, the maximum a pet can perform a specific Spellsong is 1 hour. If the Bard chooses to tell the pet not to accompany them when beginning to play a Spellsong, then that Spellsong will not count against the pet's limitations.

Attacking Pets

Typically, any pets accompanying the Bard are immune to being attacked, and can avoid being affected by any wide-area effects. However, if the Bard uses the pet for something other than performing a Spellsong (f.e. the Bard wants to use a bird with them as a carrier pigeon), then the attack and wide-area effect immunity goes away. When exposed to the dangers of dungeons and combat, it is almost impossible for the pet to survive in such situations.

Ultimately, though, the survival of the pet rests with the GM.

How to Read Spellsongs

Required Level
At the top of each list of Spellsongs, there is a header, " Level Bard Required". The will show how many levels of Bard a character needs in order to learn any of the Spellsongs under that header.

Example Bard Spellsong
  1. Name: The name of the Spellsong.
  2. Prelude: If the Spellsong has a prelude needed before it takes effect, the time needed will be listed here.
  3. Singing: Indicates if the Spellsong has an effect that requires singing.
None: No singing required.
"Required": The Spellsong requires singing in order to function.
"Control": The Spellsong requires singing, and the Bard may also control the listeners in some way, so long as they can understand the Bard.

4. Overview: A quick explanation of the Spellsong.
5. Resistance: If the Spellsong allows the listener to resist the effects, it will be noted here.
6. Pet: Shows which pets may accompany the Bard. If there is a -, then the Spellsong doesn't allow any pet accompaniment. In general, if Singing is "Required" or allows "Control" of another character(s), then pets cannot accompany the Bard.
7. Effect: A detailed description of the Spellsong.

List of Spellsongs

1st Level Bard Required

Early Bird Prelude: - Singing: -
Awakens subjects Resistance: Yes Pets: Bird, Frog
This jaunty melody awakens any sleeping characters. Those asleep naturally wake up without issue, but if a character was put to sleep magically, the Bard needs to make a Magic Power check against the magical effect. If the Bard's result is higher than the magical sleep's caster, the character will wake up.

While the Bard is playing this Spellsong, characters cannot naturally fall asleep. Spells and magical effects that try to put characters to sleep must pass an opposed check against the Bard's Magic Power.

Ambience Prelude: - Singing: -
Accuracy -1 Resistance: Yes Pets: Frog, Insect
This slow, droning melody calms the nerves and makes one unwilling to fight. Characters who fail to resist this Spellsong receive a -1 penalty to their Accuracy.

Summon Small Animals Prelude: - Singing: -
Attracts small animals Resistance: - Pets: Bird, Insect
This odd melody arouses the interest of nearby small animals, and calls them to the Bard. You can only call on mammals and birds up to the size of both hands. The song begins to take effect immediately, but the small animals gradually come together and the assembly is complete after 3 minutes (18 rounds).

If any of these small animals are harmed, the effect ends immediately, and all of the gathered animals flee.

Summon Fish Prelude: - Singing: -
Attracts fish Resistance: - Pets: Bird, Insect
This lilting song must be used on the water, making the water flow and attracting the interest of nearby fish. You can only call on non-ferocious fish (that is, you cannot call sharks). The song begins to take effect immediately, but the fish gradually come together and the assembly is complete after 3 minutes (18 rounds).

If any of these fish are harmed, the effect ends immediately, and all of the gathered fish flee.

Cacophony Prelude: - Singing: -
Spellcasting -1 Resistance: Yes Pets: Bird, Frog, Insect
This horrible racket disrupts the concentration of all within it, making it very difficult to cast any sort of magic. Characters who fail to resist this Spellsong receive a -1 penalty to all Spellcasting checks.

Ballad Prelude: - Singing: -
Evasion -1 Resistance: Yes Pets: Frog, Insect
This sad, somber song brings the mood down of all those who hear it. Characters who fail to resist this Spellsong receive a -1 penalty to their Evasion.

Healing Prelude: 3 minutes (18 rounds) Singing: Required
Heals 1 HP Resistance: - Pets: -
This vibrant song increases the natural recovery of all those who hear it, and allows those who listen to the full melody to recover 1 HP. However, characters can only benefit from this Spellsong once every 10 minutes.

Vivid Prelude: 3 minutes (18 rounds) Singing: Required
Heals 1 MP Resistance: - Pets: -
This uplifting song refreshes the mind of all those who hear it, and allows all those who listen to the full melody to recover 1 MP. However, characters can only benefit from this Spellsong once every 20 minutes.

Morale Prelude: - Singing: -
Accuracy +1 Resistance: - Pets: Bird, Frog, Insect
A hard-hitting beat, this Spellsong helps listeners to focus. Characters affected by the Spellsong receive a +1 bonus to their Accuracy.

Lullaby Prelude: 20 seconds (2 rounds) Singing: -
Puts the subjects to sleep Resistance: Yes Pets: Frog, Insect
A gentle melody invites listeners to fall asleep. Characters will remain asleep unless another character takes a Major Action to wake them, or any HP or MP is lost (even if it's as little as 1 point).

Requiem Prelude: 20 seconds (2 rounds) Singing: -
Undead's actions -2 Resistance: Yes Pets: Bird, Frog, Insect
A mournful melody to remember the dead, this Spellsong only works on Undead monsters. Affected Undead receive a -2 penalty to all actions and checks, including Fortitude and Willpower checks. This is not treated as a Psychic-attribute effect.

Resistance Prelude: - Singing: -
Resistances +1 Resistance: - Pets: Bird, Frog
This repetitive sonata toughens the listeners body and mind, allowing them to shrug off ill effects. Characters affected by this Spellsong receive a +1 bonus to both their Fortitude and Willpower checks.

5th Level Bard Required

Elements Prelude: - Singing: -
Elemental Damage +2 Resistance: - Pets: Bird, Insect
This variable rhythm calls on elemental faeries for aid. When playing this Spellsong, the Bard specifies one of the following attributes: Fire, Water/Ice, Earth, or Wind.

All physical and magical damage of the chosen attribute to both characters and structures is increased by +2. This is not treated as a Psychic-attribute effect.

Curiosity Prelude: - Singing: Required
Guides listeners to the Bard Resistance: Yes Pets: -
A mysterious melody, this Spellsong drives those who hear it to find the source. Characters who fail to resist this Spellsong are compelled to move towards the Bard, taking Normal Moves to do so. If the character can move within sight of the Bard with a Limited Move, though, the character will do so. Characters already able to see the Bard are unaffected by this Spellsong.

Charming Prelude: - Singing: Control
Coerce listeners to perform a task Resistance: Yes Pets: -
This lilting refrain fascinates the listeners, making them more susceptible to suggestions. If a listener fails to resist this Spellsong, the Bard can weave a task to be done into the lyrics, such as "run away" or "stop fighting". This task cannot be one that would bring harm to the listener. If the listener fails another Willpower check, they then attempt to perform the given task to the best of their ability. This effect ends if the listener loses HP or MP (even if it's as little as 1 point), or if another character spends a Major Action to return them to sanity.

Choke Prelude: 1 minute (6 rounds) Singing: -
Inhibits breathing Resistance: Yes Pets: Bird, Frog, Insect
A startling melody that awakens a primal dread within the listeners. For those who fail to resist this Spellsong, after the prelude they will be choking for (Fortitude x10) seconds (or (Fortitude) rounds), then will fall unconscious. This Spellsong has no effect on behavior or speech.

Nostalgia Prelude: 1 minute (6 rounds) Singing: Required
Causes listeners to wish to return home Resistance: Yes Pets: -
A wistful tune, this Spellsong invokes feelings of days long past in the hearts of its listeners, causing them to wish to go back home. If in combat, those affected by the Spellsong attempt to retreat from the battlefield and escape. This Spellsong also has no effect if the listener is already at home.

Once affected, listeners will be under the effects of this Spellsong for 1 hour, even if they move out of the Bard's area of effect or the Bard stops performing the Spellsong. After 1 hour, or if the listener manages to return home, the Spellsong's effect ends.

Bitterness Prelude: - Singing: -
MP -2 Resistance: Yes Pets: Bird, Insect
This agonizing melody literally drains the mana from listeners. At the end of each of their turns, affected listeners lose 2 MP. This is not a Psychic-attribute effect.

Love Song Prelude: 3 minutes (18 rounds) Singing: Required
Creates strong romantic feelings Resistance: Yes Pets: -
This buoyant ballad stimulates romance, literally causing "love to be in the air". Affected listeners will look to be with the closest partner of their choice, with current lovers/spouses taking precedence over random people. If current partners are not nearby, the closest available partner for the listener's orientation will be subject to these magically enhanced feelings, regardless of race. If no applicable partners are within the area of effect, the Spellsong has no effect.

Those with budding romantic feelings will attempt to see if the partner reciprocates these feelings, while current partners will attempt to retire to act on these feelings. The effects of this Spellsong lasts for 1 hour, even if the Bard stops performing.

Threadbare Prelude: 1 minute (6 rounds) Singing: Control
Remove target equipment Resistance: Yes Pets: -
This delightfully whimsical and breezy melody has listeners feel free and unhindered. As part of the lyrics, the Bard can choose one of the following: Weapon, Shield, Armor, (Decoration Slot), or Clothing. Affected listeners must do their best to remove the named item.

Weapons, Shields, and Decorations are removed as a Minor Action, taking 10 seconds (1 round) to do so, and are either dropped or sheathed/holstered.

Armor requires Major Actions to remove, and takes 10 seconds (1 round) per point of Defense to remove.

Clothing requires 30 seconds (3 rounds) to disrobe, and does include underwear. If a character is asked to remove Clothing while wearing Armor, they must remove the Armor first.

Once the chosen item is removed, characters can act freely, but cannot re-equip the removed items, nor any substitutes.

The Bard may decide to change their lyrics mid-song, in an attempt to remove another article. This does force another Willpower check to resist the effects. Additionally, if the first article has not been completely removed when the lyrics are changed, the affected listeners can choose to either re-equip the removed items (taking the same amount of time they spent removing it), or finish removing the first article before moving to the next. As above, once removed, the item cannot be re-equipped, even if the lyrics are changed.

This Spellsong is only effective within line of sight of the Bard performing it. If a listener can escape the gaze of the Bard at least once, the effect of the Spellsong immediately ends.

10th Level Bard Required

Amazing Prelude: - Singing: -
Randomly copy the effect of another known Spellsong Resistance: - Pets: -
By playing a melody off the cuff, the Bard is able to copy the effect of another Spellsong that they know. Any Prelude or Singing requirements for the copied song are ignored, and the Spellsong takes effect immediately. If the Spellsong requires a check to be made, it is made with a +2 bonus.

Clap Prelude: 20 seconds (2 rounds) Singing: -
Force others to clap along Resistance: - Pets: Bird
Anyone hearing the Bard's rhythmic clapping has the urge to clap along, dropping anything they may be holding. While clapping, characters cannot take any Actions that would require the use of their arms.

Chorus Prelude: 10 seconds (1 round) Singing: Required
Force others to sing along Resistance: - Pets: -
Anyone hearing the Bard's relaxed, yet catchy melody will have the urge to sing along. While singing, characters can only take Limited Moves, and cannot use any magic that requires vocalization.

Sonic Voice Prelude: - Singing: -
Create damaging sonic shockwaves Resistance: - Pets: Insect
This high-pitched frequency deals Power 20 Wind-type damage each round to those within the Spellsong's area of effect. This damage cannot critical. This song affects those who would normally be immune to Psychic-type effects.

Dare Prelude: 10 seconds (1 round) Singing: -
Prevent the use of Active Combat Feats Resistance: - Pets: Frog
This jarring noise disrupts concentration, preventing the use of any Active Combat Feats.

Dance Prelude: 20 seconds (2 rounds) Singing: -
Force listeners to dance Resistance: - Pets: -
Passionate melodies cause listeners to dance violently, reducing their Accuracy and Evasion by -2. Characters with Grappler Class Levels are immune to this Spellsong's effects.

Fall Prelude: 20 seconds (2 rounds) Singing: -
Cause flying characters to drop Resistance: - Pets: Bird
This heavy screaming causes any flying characters to crash into the ground, dealing them falling damage. Additionally, characters cannot benefit from any "Flight" unique skills, and cannot take flight until they are out of the range of this Spellsong.

March Prelude: - Singing: -
Normalize movement speed Resistance: - Pets: Frog
The Bard chooses a movement speed from 1 to 24 meters. While within the area of this Spellsong, all characters will move at the chosen speed when taking a Normal Move. This Spellsong does not change a character's Agility.

Reduction Prelude: 20 seconds (2 rounds) Singing: -
Reduce MP consumption Resistance: - Pets: Insect
A peaceful tune, this Spellsong reduces any MP consumption within range by -1 (but cannot reduce it to 0 or lower).

Lazy Prelude: 10 seconds (1 round) Singing: -
Lower Class Levels Resistance: - Pets: Bird, Frog, Insect
This languorous number causes those who hear it to temporarily lose a level in each Class they have. This reduction will affect Adventurer Level, but will not reduce Maximum HP or MP. Reduction of Class Levels may cause the loss of Combat Feats and Techniques, in which case the most recent of each is lost. If a Class Level is reduced to 0 this way, it is as though the character does not have a level in that Class at all.

Fixed-value characters reduce their Accuracy, Evasion, Fortitude, Willpower, and all Magic and Unique Skills checks by -1.