Scenarios are the basis of many stories, almost like scripts that outline the plot and give detail to characters the players may come across. The following is an example scenario for Sword World 2.0, a quick story to play out over the course of a session. This scenario may be a one-shot, run once to get players interested in the system, or it could be the beginning of a whole campaign. After the example scenario, there will be rules and guidelines that will explain the various types of scenarios a GM may come up with, as well as tips for taking other scenarios and adjusting it to different campaigns.
Reading the Sample Scenario
The following scenario is written and designed for actual use, and so players should not continue reading on. Doing so will spoil the plot, and will ruin the excitement that comes from playing the game and solving the mystery set before the players.
Before using this scenario, the GM should read through the scenario in its entirety. This will allow them to understand the plot, figure out what knowledge certain NPCs will have, determine the general flow of combat should it arise, etc. Reading through the whole scenario presented is a good way to figure out what the next session may have in store for both the players and the GM, and allows for the GM to tweak and change the scenario as they see fit without ruining the whole story.
Scenarios tend to be written in the following manner:
Basic Scenario Overview → Scenario Setting → The Main Story → End and Subsequent Developments
Sample Scenario: "Bartou's Mansion"
Scenario Overview
This scenario is designed to give players that first taste of diving into the ruins of older civilizations in search of hidden or lost treasures. Designed for 4-5 starting PCs, but can be adjusted for differences in PC level or numbers by adjusting the number of monsters.
As the PCs are sitting at their local Adventurer's Store (perhaps having a meal, or just having a few drinks), they get approached by a person who has profitable information. This information, they say, leads to some treasure lost in some ruins from the Al Menas era that haven't been explored yet. However, getting the details will require a small payment to get all of the information, and this person will also insist on coming with the PCs as they go to check out this area.
The ruins are old magical research buildings from the Al Menas period, and were the homes of scholars and other intellectuals. Research materials and experimental tools were left behind over the years, and some may even remain useful to scholars today. However, not only were there magical creatures left behind to protect the treasures, but a small band of Barbarous have moved into the ruins as well.
Scenario Setting
The adventure begins in the Imperial Capital Lukythra, located in the Zalts region of northern Terastier. There are many ruins from earlier eras that are scattered across the Zalts region, and adventurers will often delve into these ruins in search of various items and treasure in the hopes of getting rich. It is one of these numerous ruins that will be the setting of the adventure.
The Main Story
Some sentences are written in italics, as they are meant to be said out loud.
Scene Guide
The PCs are in the Imperial Capital Lukythra, seat of the Lukythra Empire. While each of them may have their own reasons for becoming an adventurer, such as searching for treasures or getting revenge on the Barbarous, it is assumed that the players have come up with a reason for their PCs to be in the same party. At the start of this adventure, they are sitting around in the famous shop "Blue Thunder Swords", one of the most popular adventurer shops in the city. It is fairly early in the morning, perhaps during or just after breakfast has been finished.
Run by Luther Ellerden, a 50-year-old human, who took up the mantle of shopkeeper after a storied life as an adventurer himself. His large sword hangs in the shop, and there are a number of tales of him defeating a Basilisk in one-on-one combat. Currently, he uses his experience as an adventurer to make sure that new adventurers, such as the party, are adequately prepared to venture into the wilderness. He also arranges for a number of jobs to be done throughout the Zalts region and beyond, and clients know that Ellerden will make sure their issues are taken care of appropriately.
While the PCs are enjoying themselves at the store, a young voice calls out. "Hey! I found a good ruin, and I need some adventurers to help me out!"
"Mayael of the Leaves"
Mayael is a young elf hunter, only 34 years old, and is still fairly new to the whole adventuring lifestyle. She is passionate about finding ruins, and is considered by some to be a bit of a weirdo as she is more interested in the ruins themselves rather than the treasures they may have inside. While she does make a little money from the information of ruin locations, she is more proud that she was able to find the ruins in the first place, and has a bit of an aloof honesty about her.
Her nickname comes from the first time she came into "Blue Thunder Swords" after finding a ruin. In her excitement to share her find, a number of leaves and branches got tangled in her hair without Mayael noticing. Another adventurer remarked that she must have come from the leaves, and the moniker has stuck so far.
Noticing the party as new faces in the store, she will come up to them and ask if they would be willing to buy the information on these new ruins. The information will cost the party 100 Gamels, though if they are short Luther will notice and help pay the rest of the cost, interest-free. When paid, Mayael will share the following information over the course of the conversation.
- "The ruins are relatively close, only a half-a-day's walk from here."
- "It was an old building, but not ancient. If I had to guess, it was from the Al Menas period. I only checked the entrance, but there were definitely two stone statues there that were popular during that time."
- "The entrance was all dusty, so I don't think there's been anything going in and out recently. It's actually pretty likely that it's entirely unexplored, even! There's probably some treasure in there too, I guess."
- "The building was small, but there were a couple of floors to it. I didn't run into any really nasty traps or anything, so if that's the way exploring it is going to be, I'll bet we could get done looking around in a day."
- "I've even got proof I went inside. There were some letters carved into the foot of one of the statues, so I thought it was a good idea to copy that down."
With that last sentence, Mayael pulls out a small sheet of paper, with the words "Bartou's Mansion" written in the Magitech language. If no one in the party is capable of reading Magitech, Luther will pipe up and translate. After translating the words Mayael wrote down, Luther will ask the party of a certain favor.
"If that really is Bartou's Mansion and it's as unexplored as Mayael says it is, there should still be a Magical Creature Encyclopedia in there. If you find that and bring it back, I have a buyer who'd be very interested."
After preparations are made, Mayael will lead the party out to the site.
If the PCs are Reluctant to Buy Information
As mentioned above, money is not an issue if the PCs do not happen to have the fee Mayael asks for. However, the PCs may be reluctant to buy in for a different reason, thinking this information is false, or that they may be ambushed for their equipment. In such situations, Luther will speak up, saying that "While young, Mayael is a reliable source of information" and that "There's been quite a few adventurers who've gone with Mayael and come back richer for it." If there is still reluctance, have a couple of NPC adventurers in the store also add words of encouragement. If the PCs wish to look for other work, Luther speaks again, saying that he doesn't have any other affordable work, at least not for newbie adventurers.
Information on Bartou
If the players wish, they can head to the National Library in Lukythra in order to find out more about who Bartou was.
The Empire of Lukythra has expanded its borders and power through numerous adventurers returning to the Empire with a number of magical relics, and so the Empire is quite tolerant of adventurers. The National Library of Lukythra, therefore, will allow the players to search for the information they desire, so long as they are registered with the Adventurer's Guild. Looking for information requires a Literature check (TN 10). If successful, the players receive the following information:
- Bartou was a real human scholar, who lived during the Al Menas period.
- He was a researcher of magical creatures, specifically those that could be used as sentries and guards, and lived in the Zalts region.
Little else is known of Bartou directly, though there are a few mentions in various memoirs of other scholars. However, from what can be found, Bartou is not considered to have been malicious in his research, and was thought to be looking for a way to help those around him.
Heading to the Ruins
As mentioned, the ruins are but a half-days walk, approximately four hours through the forest east of Lukythra. The forest is fairly dark, with only a small amount of sunshine breaking through the trees, but Mayael is confident enough in her abilities that she will lead the party directly to the ruins. Having her lead the party will avoid any wandering monsters that may be in the forest, and will prevent the party from getting lost. However, she will only lead the party to the ruins, getting back out of the forest is up to them.
Exterior of the Ruins
After walking for around 4 hours or so, a break in the trees reveals a fairly tall cliff, and as the party gets close they can see there is a house built into the side of the cliff. Mayael proudly points to the building as the ruin that she found, and the GM should read the following description.
The ruins in front of you are that of a typical, if not well-to-do, stone building from the Al Menas period. The front of the building is around 15m wide and 10m tall, and there appears to be two floors to the building. Two window shutters can be seen on the second floor.
The front of the first floor has been worn away by time, but you can still see some remnants of the grand carvings that used to be here. There is a large door in front, made of a hard material that glows black, that opens on both sides. One of these doors has been pulled towards you, opening into the darkness inside the ruin.
The cliff is nearly vertical, and almost 17m high, making it fairly difficult to climb to the top under ideal circumstances. However, the cliff is dry and weathered, making it treacherous to climb even with the proper equipment, making any sort of attempt to enter the second floor impossible.
When asked about the open door, Mayael responds, "I have no idea. I know I definitely closed the door when I left. Strange..." A successful Track check (TN 10) reveals fresh footprints of Barbarous leading in, but not out.
This site is the remains of the home of the scholar Bartou, and is a three-story building. Two of the floors are above ground, and were used for daily life, while the basement was used as a research laboratory. The inside of the building is pitch-black, and requires some sort of light in order to see.
Fortunately for the PCs, the Barbarous have not really explored the building terribly well, and so there are some treasures for the players to find. In addition to the Barbarous, though, there are some magical creatures that were used to protect the research lab that are still active, and these creatures may impede the players' progress through the ruins.
a: Entrance - Room Size: 9m x 15m
This entrance hall is the first room players come across when entering the mansion. The GM should read the following passage aloud.
There is no light inside, and the room smells heavily of dust. The light coming from the open door reflects off of the broken glass and debris from a fallen chandelier, and sparkles can be seen throughout the room.
There is one door on the north wall, opposite the entranceway. In the middle of the room are two stone statues, flanking the walkway into the mansion. These statues are on 1m square pedestals, and appear to be fearsome winged demons.
Mayael enters the room along with the PCs, and points to the letters engraved on the right statue's pedestal. These were the letters transcribes, and will match the parchment if the PCs press the issue. After making sure the party found their way to the ruins, Mayael will take her leave, and will not help to explore nor wait for the players to finish.
A successful Track check (TN 10) will reveal Barbarous footprints in the dust, heading towards the north door. The door itself is half open, and the doorknob has traces of mud on it.
There is nothing else in the room.
b: 1st Floor Hallway - Room Size: 6m x 15m
A short corridor that stretches the length of the mansion. Stairs going to the upper level are in the eastern corner, while stairs going down into the basement are on the western side.
On the back wall, facing the doorway, is another stone statue. This statue is still on a 1m square pedestal, but appears to be a modestly dressed young woman, with wings coming from her back.
A successful Track check (TN 10) allows the PC to find Barbarous footprints leading from the door to the upper level.
The eyes of the statue are small jewels set into the stone. They can be pried out of the setting using careful knife work, taking 10 minutes per eye. Each gem removed will fetch 80G when sold.
The eastern staircase leads to "c: 2nd Flor Hallway", while the western staircase leads to "g: Basement".
Time and Encounters
If the PCs choose to take the full 20 minutes to extract the jewels from the eyes, the Barbarous in the upper floor will be on the move, running into the PCs at some point. If the PCs choose to head upstairs afterwards, the Barbarous will meet them halfway up the staircase. However, if the PCs choose to explore the basement first, the Barbarous will run into the party as they head back to the first floor.
See "d: Bedroom" for rules on fighting the Barbarous.
c: Second Floor Hallway - Room Size: 6m x 15m
As you head upstairs, there is another hallway the same size as the one you just left. There are two windows on the north wall, but opening them only reveals the soil and earth of the cliff face covering the mansion. There are two closed doors on the south wall.
The doors, from farthest to closest, lead to "d: Bedroom" and "e: Study" respectively, and are closed. If the players with to Listen at the doors to find out what's behind them, check those entries.
A successful Track check (TM 10) reveals several Barbarous footprints leading to the door farthest from the stairs.
d: Bedroom - Room Size: 9m x 6m
If a player chooses to listen to the door, a successful Listen check (TN 8) reveals the sounds of a couple of Barbarous having fun. If anyone in the party can understand the Barbaric language, they would be hearing things like "Boingy-boingy! Funny!", "A new house!" and "Oooh, sparkly..." Upon opening the door, the GM should read the following.
This small room appears to have been a bedroom, with a bed, bed desk and closet. On the bed, there are some Barbarous, jumping on the mattress and goofing off.
As soon as the Barbarous notice the PCs, they stop goofing off. Taking a fearsome appearance, they will attack immediately.
Enemies: Goblin x3, Boggart x1
The Barbarous will always attack in melee, and will fight to the death. If the party chooses to flee, see "Running from the Barbarous".
If the PCs win, they will find that the Boggart has a key, decorated with a glass orb at the end of it. This key is for the basement door, though the Boggart found it in the bedroom and decided to keep it for itself.
This bedroom was Bartou's personal bedchambers, though it is in shambles after the Barbarous destroyed it. The furniture is ruined and worthless, and it is difficult to even move around among all the debris. If a PC with the Scout class succeeds on a Search check (TN 10), they can find a silver ring in the closet, worth 150G when sold. Any windows that were closed are easy to open.
There is nothing else in the room.
e: Study - Room Size: 9m x 6m
In this undisturbed room, there is a bookshelf, a desk to study at, and a couple of chairs. The smell of dust hangs heavily in the air.
This room is Bartou's study, and there is no evidence the Barbarous had even set foot inside. Despite the heavy layer of dust over the entire room, there is still some useful information to be found, especially by those with the Scout class. Exactly what can be found depends upon the result of the Search check.
Search Result 8 or higher: Bartou's Notes
A small diary can be found among the drawers of the desk, the writing inside being full of the Magitech language. If someone in the party is able to read Magitech, they can decipher Bartou's notes. These notes reveal that not only did Bartou research a lot of different magical creatures in search of the perfect guardian, but he was also a rare smoking pipe collector. A number of notes are along these lines, detailing the latest sentinel he had managed to create, or finding the perfect decoration for the latest pipe he had acquired.
Search Result 10 or higher: 3 Undamaged Books
Most of the books on the bookshelf have deteriorated over time, due to moisture, rats, or other issues. However, there are three books that are in readable shape, and are almost entirely undamaged. All of these are books detailing magical creatures that could be found during the Al Menas period, and each book can be sold for 100G.
However, a successful Literature check, or an Artificer Level + Intelligence Modifier check (TN 12 for either) will reveal that one of these books is actually a book on the ecology of rare magical creatures. This book has a value of 300G, but book buyers will not notice the difference until it is pointed out. If the book buyer is not informed of the higher price and rarity of this volume, it will be bought at the lower 100G price instead.
Search Check 12 or higher: Hidden Room
There is a gimmicked candle holder on the wall near the bookshelf. Twisting it will pop the bookshelf out, revealing the hidden room behind. See "f: Hidden Room" for more details.
Any windows that were closed are easy to open.
There is nothing else in the room.
f: Hidden Room - Room Size: 9m x 3m
The bookshelf moves out of the way to reveal a small room behind it. Inside this alcove, there is a shelf on the wall, as well as a sofa that is large enough to hold a single person. The room appears to be undamaged.
Bartou's treasures, five rather fancy smoking pipes, are proudly displayed on the shelf. Each one is a rare piece from the Al Menas period, and a successful Appraise check (TN 10) will reveal that the set of five pipes is worth 700G when sold.
There is another closed box on the shelf, with a trap inside.
Small Box Trap
A successful Search check (TN 10) will find the trap on this box, a mechanism that will attack the unwary with a poison stinger. An Open Lock check (TN 12) needs to be made in order to actually remove the trap without springing it.
Opening the box without removing the trap will cause a poison stinger to shoot out and hit the PC in a finger, dealing 12 Poison-type damage. A Fortitude Check (TN 14), if successful, will reduce it to 6 damage. This damage bypasses any Defense the character may have, as it is assumed gloves and other hand coverings are removed in order to open the delicate box.
Inside the box is an old smoking pipe. At first glance, it appears to be junk, but it is a potent magical item, and will react to "Sense Magic".
Ignition Pipe | Base Price | 1,000 | |||
Pop. | 12 | App. | A woodgrain smoking pipe | Equip | - |
Summary | Shoot a ball of fire at a target | Era | Al Menas | ||
Effect | As a Major Action, the holder of this pipe can speak the command word and cause a small ball of fire to shoot from the tip towards a single target within 10m. Upon impact, it explodes, dealing Power 10 + 2 Fire-type damage. A successful Willpower Check (TN 12) halves the damage. This effect costs 2 MP to use. |
g: Basement - Room Size: 6m x 6m
As the party heads downstairs to the basement, they arrive in a small room. In one corner, there is a door, a magnificent scene carved into it.
There is a mechanical pitfall trap between the bottom of the stairs and the door. It can be noticed by succeeding on either a Search check (TN 10) or a Find Trap check (TN 14). If neither check succeeds, the floor opens and the PC falls into a hole 2m wide by 5m deep. Several spears are standing upright at the bottom, and will pierce the falling character. All in all, the character will take 20 damage, though this damage can be reduced by a Tumble check, as well as by the character's Defense.
The door is closed by a very powerful magic spell, and any attempts to force the door open must succeed against TN 30. The door will also react to a "Sense Magic" spell. A PC attempting to look at the door will notice a strange keyhole; attempts to pick the lock will fail, and a special key is required to open the door (found in the possession of the Boggart on the second floor). Beyond the door lies "h: Laboratory".
If the PCs manage to get into the laboratory before fighting the Barbarous, see "Entering the Lab First".
h: Laboratory - Room Size: 15m x 9m
Opening the door, the room beyond appears to be the largest in the mansion. Numerous magical diagrams have been drawn on the floor, and the shelves are lines with materials and research notes, though at this point they're likely to be of no use. On the west wall next to the door the party came through, there is a second door, though it remains closed.
There is remnants of powerful magic in the air, suffusing the room with magic energy. A pale light glows from the ceiling as well, giving the room an overall eerie atmosphere.
A square table is in the back of the room, and it looks like it may have been on the first floor at some point due to the decorations and details that were engraved into it. On top of the table are ten stone statues, each of which is a strange, unknown creature. The quality of the carvings gives them an almost lifelike appearance.
Two wooden dolls are also on the ground, having fallen under the table over the years. They are about the size of a human, but are roughly hewn from wood. These dolls, as well as one of the statues on the table, will come to life in order to protect Bartou's works. They will wait for as long as necessary, not moving at all, in order to wait for the perfect moment to attack.
Enemies: Gargoyle x1, Oak Golem x2
If the PCs stand unaware in the room, or stand directly in front of the statues, they will be attacked. A Danger Sense check (TN 13) or the Tabbit's racial ability [Sixth Sense] will notice the statues for what they really are, and prevent any sneak attacks. If the PCs notice the presence of the constructs, they will not attack until the PCs move to attack them.
If combat does happen, the Gargoyle will be flanked by the Oak Golems on each side. It is recommended that, if there are more than 3 PCs in the party, to give the Gargoyle 3 Sword Shards, increasing their HP by +15 and MP by +3. If the party chooses to flee, see "Running from the Constructs".
If the PCs are successful, they can search the constructs and room for loot. The Oak Golems have been functional since the Al Menas period, and it is likely they will drop some form of Enchanted Oak. However, the other research materials and notes are far beyond the point of uselessness, and cannot fetch any money.
The second door in the room leads to "i: Underground Study", and is locked. A successful Open Lock check (TN 8) will open the door, though this check can only be made outside of combat.
i: Underground Study - Room Size: 9m x 6m
This small room has a work desk, chairs and shelves. Both the desk and shelves are full of meticulously arranged books, notes and tools.
This room is where Bartou stored his research notes and experiment results. All of the books and tools here are still in good condition, though one book in particular stands out. There is a Magical Creature Encyclopedia, apparently written by Bartou himself, in the desk.
This book contains a lot of Bartou's unique ideas, the trajectory of his research and experiments, and his frustration when particular ideas don't pan out into usable information. The PC that picks this up and reads through can get an idea of what Bartou's scholarly life was like. This book is the one Luther Ellerden was looking for, and will pay the party 2,000G upon return. However, there are a number of other tools, books and notes that, when collectively sold are worth another 500G.
Entering the Laboratory First
If the PCs head to the basement and force open the door to the Laboratory before heading upstairs, proceed with the events in "h" and "i" as normal. However, upon heading to the first floor, they will come across the Barbarous huddled in front of the statue of the winged woman. They had become bored of goofing off in the bedroom, and are trying to pry the jewels out of the eyes of the statue. However, they will quickly notice the PCs and battle with them proceeds as normal, as per "d". If the PCs are hiding, it is up to the GM if the Barbarous will notice them.
Escaping from the Barbarous
If the PCs try to flee from the Barbarous, they will be chased to the entrance of the ruins. If the PCs head outside, the Barbarous will shout "Stay out!" in Barbaric, and then return to the ruins, closing the doors behind them.
Escaping from the Constructs
If the PCs try to flee from the constructs, they will be chased so long as they remain in the basement. Once the PCs head to the first floor, the constructs will leave them alone, as they were only charged to guard the laboratory and underground study. As long as there are no PCs around, they will return to their original positions.
End and Subsequent Developments
If the PCs have managed to defeat the monsters in the ruins and collect the treasures within, they may choose to return to the city. This return trip should be uneventful, despite not being led by Mayael, as the PCs should be tired and yet proud of their adventures. The GM may choose to have any PC with the Ranger class lead the party through the forest, but by the time the adventure is over it should be later in the day, and the PCs will probably be quick to try and return to "Blue Thunder Swords".
Upon returning to Lukythra, the party can head to the various Adventurer's Guilds, book buyers, antique stores, etc. and sell the spoils of their adventure. If they are in debt to Luther (for buying the information from Mayael), he will take what he is owed out of what he would pay the PCs for the return of Bartou's Magical Creature Encyclopedia.
This marks the end of the adventure.
Conditions for Finishing the Scenario
The point of this adventure is to head to the ruins, go into "i: Underground Study", and retrieve Bartou's Magical Creature Encyclopedia. If the players were able to do that successfully, they will receive 1,000 Experience Points.
However, if they were only able to defeat the Barbarous and come back with a small amount of treasure, or if they fled from enemies that were too strong for them, the party was not successful, and will receive only 500 Experience Points. If they choose to regroup and re-attempt the ruins to find the Magical Creature Encyclopedia and are successful, they will receive another 500 Experience Points.
When one takes the contents of a scenario and stretches it across a number of adventures and sessions, that is what is called a "campaign". It's not possible to fit a campaign into a one-shot session, due to the overarching story that will drive the players forward. However, creating a number of sessions that have a slow burn feel to them, where the PCs keep inching ever closer to some dark truth, or eventually turning a former antagonist to the players' side to fight against a much more dangerous foe, that is what makes for a good campaign. To compare, a one-shot session is like a one or two hour drama show, where a campaign is more like an ongoing series.
It's difficult to think of a campaign all at once, covering the entirety of the story the GM wants to tell. However, it is much easier to have a few early scenarios in mind, and spin a story out of the logical conclusions of those scenarios in order to set up a much more robust storyline. One-shot sessions in the campaign world are also useful, in part to help the GM get a little extra time to come up with more scenarios for the main campaign story while also telling a side story (that may have some importance in the main story as well). Also, it is definitely possible to have a scenario available for the players that is far beyond their current skill level, so that way when they become stronger they will want to re-challenge that scenario in order to show how much stronger they have become. Repurposing old scenarios, adventurers, NPCs, etc will also go a long way to creating a living world in the minds of the players.
Campaign Example
A week or so after adventuring into Bartou's mansion, the PCs are gathered once again at "Blue Thunder Swords" when they run into Mayael again. It seems that Bartou had kept the majority of his actual treasures in his villa, and Mayael has an idea of where that may be. It seems there was someone who had seen an old ruined building another 3 days east of the ruins they had previously explored.
With the party's assistance, Mayael seeks out the one who found the building, and asks them to lead the party to the building in the woods. However, there are rumors of powerful creatures living in the woods, strong enough that even Barbarous will not set foot inside. Additionally, the ruins are three days away inside the forest, so overnight traveling and supplies are needed in order to make the trip safe.
As it so happens, there is a powerful beast in the woods near the building, deterring any who would explore the ruins beyond. It is possible to persuade the beast to let the party past, but doing so involves bring the beast its favorite food: the meat of a strong Barbarous.
The question lingers... Does the party fight the beast in order to get past? Or do they go on the hunt for Barbarous, in order to persuade the dangerous beast?