This is a grassrunner bard who fights with a little harp in hand.
Although grassrunners are very human-like, they are a race whose origin is shrouded in mystery. Nimble and inquisitive, they like to poke their nose into everything.
Using the bard class this character can affect themselves. their friends and their enemies by singing a special kind of song, a spellsong. This character can use "Morale" to increase accuracy and
"Resistance" to increase Fortitude and Willpower checks. They can also use their crossbow and abilities as scout and ranger to track, follow and use medicine to help their allies.
Grassrunner have the [Mana Interference] and [Natural Communication] Racial Abilities. Mana Interference prevents grassrunners from having MP, but in turn increases resistance to any magics.
[Natural Communication] gives you the ability to sense approaching danger from the rustling of insects and growing grass around you.
Play your instrument, sing your song, and let everyone listen to it!