1 | Furu |
Int: None Perc: Magic Lang: None Hab: Forest, Grasslands Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 5 / 10 Init: 8 Move Spd: 12 Fort: 1 (8) Will: 2 (9) |
Fighting Style | Accuracy | Damage | Evasion | Defense | HP | MP |
Tackle | 1 (8) | 2d-2 | 3 (10) | 0 | 20 | 3 |
Weak Point: Accuracy +1 |
Unique Skills |
None |
Loot | |
Always | Beautiful Leaf (10G) |
2 - 6 | None |
7+ | Leaf Blade (40G) |
Appearing to be a spherical mass of leaves, a Furu collects mana in its leaves, which can enhance their natural appearance. While not very harmful on its own, they can appear in large enough groups to devastate orchards and farms.
1 | Alraune |
Int: Low Perc: 5 Senses Lang: Trade Common Hab: Grasslands, Forest Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 9 / 12 Init: 7 Move Spd: 10 Fort: 2 (9) Will: 4 (11) |
Fighting Style | Accuracy | Damage | Evasion | Defense | HP | MP |
Tackle | 1 (8) | 2d-2 | 3 (10) | 0 | 20 | 3 |
Weak Point: Physical Damage +2 pts. |
Unique Skills |
[Piercing Scream / 3 (10) / Will / Negated] As a Major Action, the Alraune can make a high-pitched Psychic-type scream, causing everyone within 20m to immediately fall unconscious. Another character may take a Major Action and wake up anyone knocked unconscious by this effect, though the awoken character is still prone. |
Loot | |
2 - 8 | None |
9+ | Mysterious Seed (100G) |
Alraunes are plant monsters that look like small children, around 80 cm tall, with large white flowers blooming out of their heads. Very timid, they will attempt to escape immediately when startled, but are curious and will watch from a distance if possible. Alraunes have a child-like personality, and if treated appropriately can be made to be fond of humans.
2 | Killer Creeper |
Int: None Perc: Magic Lang: None Hab: Forest Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 8 / 11 Init: 6 Move Spd: 0 Fort: 7 (14) Will: 5 (12) |
Fighting Style | Accuracy | Damage | Evasion | Defense | HP | MP |
Vine | 3 (10) | 2d + 2 | 1 (8) | 0 | 30 | 10 |
Weak Point: Fire Damage +3 pts. |
Unique Skills |
[Entangling Vines] A successful hit from a Vine entangles the target. Each round, the entangled target is hit automatically by the Vine, and makes all Accuracy and Evasion Checks with a -2 penalty. Removing the entangling vines requires an (Adventurer Level + Strength modifier) Check opposed by the Killer Creeper's Accuracy check. This check may be made by another person as well. If successful, the target is not entangled anymore. [Mindless] A Killer Creeper is unaffected by anything that would affect the mind, such as hallucinations. |
Loot | |
Always | Leaf Mold (50G) |
2 - 5 | None |
6 - 10 | Vines (1d x 5G) |
11+ | Magical Vine (1d x 30G) |
A plant transformed with mana, a Killer Creeper will shoot a multitude of vines and engulf the area it's in. Being plants, they are very patient when it comes to waiting for prey to wander into its range. As it tends to grow quite fast, it is often rather difficult to escape once trapped in its vines.
2 | Needle Archer |
Int: None Perc: Magic Lang: None Hab: Forest Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 7 / 11 Init: 7 Move Spd: 0 Fort: 4 (11) Will: 3 (10) |
Fighting Style | Accuracy | Damage | Evasion | Defense | HP | MP |
Needle | 4 (11) | 2d | 2 (9) | 0 | 28 | 12 |
Weak Point: Fire Damage +3 pts. |
Unique Skills |
[Vine Network] A Needle Archer is found among a network of thin vines, growing 10m from the monster itself. In order to detect the network of vines, the lead character needs to make a Danger Sense check against a value of 12. If unsuccessful, the Needle Archer may Ambush the party (when Ambushed, the party automatically loses Initiative for that round, and all Actions are made at a -2 penalty for the turn). [Light Needles] A Needle attack may be made within a range of 20m, though any attacks made at targets outside the Vine Network receive a -1 penalty to Accuracy. [Million Needles] A Needle Archer may attack all characters within range of the Vine Network simultaneously during its turn. |
Loot | |
Always | Thorn Arrow (15G) |
2 - 10 | None |
11+ | Strong Vine (300G) |
This plant gets its name from the arrow-like needles it shoots at prey entering the range of its network of vines. These vines are hidden on the forest floor by dirt and dead leaves, and once unsuspecting prey walks within the area they are violently attacked by needles being shot at their feet and lower legs.
3 | Giant Balloon Seed |
Int: None Perc: Magic Lang: None Hab: Forest, Swamp Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 10 / 13 Init: 10 Move Spd: 8 Fort: 4 (11) Will: 3 (10) |
Fighting Style | Accuracy | Damage | Evasion | Defense | HP | MP |
Seed (Flower) | 4 (11) | 2d+5 | 3 (10) | 1 | 26 | 10 |
Vine (Vine) x2 | 5 (12) | 2d+2 | 2 (9) | 2 | 20 | 10 |
Sections: 3 (Flower, Vine x2) | Main Section: None | Weak Point: Fire Damage +3 pts. |
Unique Skills |
[Substitution] |
Loot | |
Always | Mysterious Seeds (30G) |
2 - 9 | None |
10+ | Beautiful Bulbs (300G) |
An ancient species of plant, Great Balloon Seeds date back before the Great Catastrophe. The main body of the plant, typically growing to around 3m, attacks prey by launching fist-sized seeds out of the flower. It can also move by using its roots, as well as attack with extended vines. There's also rumors of variants with multiple flowers and extra vines.
3 | Spin Blossom |
Int: None Perc: Magic Lang: None Hab: Grasslands, Forest Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 11 / 13 Init: 10 Move Spd: 12 (Floating) Fort: 4 (11) Will: 4 (11) |
Fighting Style | Accuracy | Damage | Evasion | Defense | HP | MP |
Petals | 4 (11) | 2d+4 | 3 (10) | 3 | 23 | 11 |
Weak Point: Fire Damage +3 pts. |
Unique Skills |
[Mindless] A Spin Blossom is unaffected by any Psychic-type effects. |
Loot | |
2 - 8 | None |
9+ | Rotating Petals (200G) |
This plant monster gets its name from the way it moves, lazily drifting on the breeze, its sturdy petals positioned so it will gently rotate and float through the sky while the wind blows. While not a great threat on its own, Spin Blossoms have been noted to swarm into large areas and have ruined small communities. Because of this threat, they are often the target of low-level extermination missions for adventurers, in the hopes of culling numbers before the blossoms become dangerous. On rare occasions, the flowers will still rotate even when removed from the stem, and can be sold to the right buyer for a decent bit of coin.
4 | Overeater |
Int: None Perc: Magic Lang: None Hab: Forest Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 10 / 14 Init: 7 Move Spd: 0 Fort: 7 (14) Will: 5 (12) |
Fighting Style | Accuracy | Damage | Evasion | Defense | HP | MP |
Vine | 6 (13) | 2d+5 | 3 (10) | 1 | 45 | 12 |
Weak Point: Fire Damage +3 pts. |
Unique Skills |
[Mimicry] Until disturbed, the Overeater will disguise itself as a harmless plant. A successful Danger Sense check against a value of 13 will let the PC become aware of the Overeater. [Long Vines] The Overeater can attack any target within 10m, regardless of location. [Engulf] If the Overeater hits with their Vine attack, the target is consumed by the Overeater. An Overeater with a living organism inside will recover 5 HP at the end of its turn, while the organism inside cannot move, receives a -3 penalty to all Actions, and receives 5 Poison-type damage at the end of its turn. Only one organism may be Engulfed in this way, though the plant may disgorge any organisms inside in order to take in a new organism. As a Major Action, the Overeater may be pried open using an Adventurer Level + Strength Modifier check against a value of 12. This check can also be made by another character who is not Engulfed. A character escaping the Overeater falls prone once outside of the plant. |
Loot | |
2 - 8 | None |
9 - 12 | Bag of Silver (1d x 30G) |
13+ | Gems (1d x 150G) |
A large, boxy plant, the Overeater looks like a tree trunk overgrown with ivy and vines. However, it captures and feeds off of animals and other organisms, and will attract prey by waving its flowers. Occasionally, there are some small bits of metal or gems from previous victims at the bottom of the plant.
5 | Bloody Petal |
Int: None Perc: Magic Lang: None Hab: Forest Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 11 / 14 Init: 10 Move Spd: 5 Fort: 11 (18) Will: 9 (16) |
Fighting Style | Accuracy | Damage | Evasion | Defense | HP | MP |
None (Trunk) | - | - | 5 (12) | 2 | 58 | 20 |
Flower (Petal) | 7 (14) | 2d + 8 | 6 (13) | 1 | 23 | 8 |
Body Sections: 4-6 (Trunk / Petal x 3-5) | Main Body Section: None | Weak Point: Fire Damage +3 pts. |
Unique Skills |
[Poison / 7 (14) / Fort / Negated] |
Loot | |
Always | Crimson Petals (120G) |
2 - 8 | None |
9+ | Red Berries (300G) |
Plants with large petals as red as blood, these root-less plants will chase prey down, albeit slowly. Also referred to as "flesh-eating flowers", these plants will capture both animal and humanoid alike, slowly dissolving its prey for nutrition.
If the flower is in full bloom and fed a healthy amount of blood, the petals of the plant can be distilled into quality medicine. Rarely, a few fruits of the bloody petal can be found as well.
This monster has only one Trunk, but has 3 to 5 Petals. The GM can use 2 + (half of 1d) to randomly determine the amount of Petals, if need be.
5 | Mandrake |
Int: Low Perc: Magic Lang: None Hab: Forest Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 11 / 16 Init: 8 Move Spd: 7 Fort: 7 (14) Will: 8 (15) |
Fighting Style | Accuracy | Damage | Evasion | Defense | HP | MP |
Arm Swing | 7 (14) | 2d+5 | 4 (11) | 2 | 42 | 36 |
Weak Point: Physical Damage +2 pts. |
Unique Skills |
[Fairy Magic (Level 4) / Magic Power 6 (13)] A Mandrake may cast Fairy Magic as a fourth-level Fairy Tamer. For individual spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Deadly Scream / Special / Fort & Will / Negated] Once per day, when its HP is reduced, the Mandrake can unleash a terrifying, deadly scream. Every living character in 30m must immediately make both a Fortitude and Willpower check. Those characters that fail a Fortitude check against a value of 10 instantly drop to 0 HP, are knocked unconscious and fall prone. |
Loot | |
Always | Energetic Roots (100G) |
2 - 11 | None |
12+ | Mandrake Seed (1,500G) |
The bulk of the perennial Mandrake is it's large, human-shaped root. The root is about 60cm, and is typically buried in soil for most of the year, with only a small amount of leaves sprouting from the top. Under normal circumstances, a Mandrake will prefer to grow in dimly-lit sections of deep forests, and have distinctive pale, pink flowers. As winter grows near, the Mandrake will uproot itself and wander in search of a mate, looking to create a new batch of seeds.
Due to their purported uses in medicines and other concoctions, Mandrakes have been overhunted by both humanoids and Barbarous, and so hold grudges against both groups. A Mandrake can call upon Fairy magic in order to help protect itself, as well as the signature screaming they are known for. It's said that those who hear the scream and live will still be afflicted with any number of mental disorders.
6 | Big Archer |
Int: None Perc: Magic Lang: None Hab: Forest Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 10 / 15 Init: 7 Move Spd: 0 Fort: 8 (15) Will: 6 (13) |
Fighting Style | Accuracy | Damage | Evasion | Defense | HP | MP |
Needle | 7 (14) | 2d+8 | 4 (11) | 2 | 60 | 14 |
Weak Point: Fire Damage +3 pts. |
Unique Skills |
[Vine Network] A Big Archer is found among a network of thin vines, growing 10m from the monster itself. In order to detect the network of vines, the lead character needs to make a Danger Sense check against a value of 15. If unsuccessful, the Big Archer may Ambush the party (when Ambushed, the party automatically loses Initiative for that round, and all Actions are made at a -2 penalty for the turn). [Poison Needle / 8 (15) / Fort / Negated] The Big Archer has two possible poisons it can use with its Needles. If the Big Archer hits with their Needle attack, the target must immediately make a Fortitude check. For "Rotting Poison", if the target fails to resist, they receive an extra 7 Poison-type damage. |
Loot | |
2 - 4 | None |
5 - 8 | Poisonous Needle (50G) |
9+ | Strong Vine x2 (600G) |
This plant hides on the ground, similar to the Needle Archers. However, the needles launched by Big Archers are much more resilient, and can carry a couple of different debilitating poisons as well.
7 | Entlet |
Int: Average Perc: Magic Lang: Sylvan Hab: Forest Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 12 / 18 Init: 10 Move Spd: 12 Fort: 10 (17) Will: 10 (17) |
Fighting Style | Accuracy | Damage | Evasion | Defense | HP | MP |
Branch (Trunk) x2 | 9 (16) | 2d+8 | 8 (15) | 9 | 54 | 42 |
Sections: 2 (Trunk x2) | Main Section: None | Weak Point: Fire Damage +3 pts. |
Unique Skills |
[Fairy Magic (Level 8) / Magic Power 10 (17)] An Entlet may cast Fairy Magic as an eigth-level Fairy Tamer. For individual spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Magic Aptitude] An Entlet can use the Combat Feats 《Guided Magic》, 《Metamagic/Distance》, 《Hawk Eye》 and 《Wordbreak》. |
Loot | |
Always | Ent Leaves (100G) |
2 - 6 | None |
7 - 12 | Mysterious Seed (100G) |
13+ | Mysterious Sapling (500G) |
A giant tree that roams around, using its roots as feet to walk. Entlets are said to be over 100 years old, and have a wide variety of knowledge they can be persuaded to share with others. Their leaves are said to be herbs that increase one's wisdom, and teas brewed with them are especially popular among mothers. Entlets tend to be gentle giants, and will be friendly if they are treated in kind.
8 | Poison Mold |
Int: None Perc: Magic Lang: None Hab: Caves, Ruins Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 16 / 19 Init: 0 Move Spd: 5 Fort: 10 (17) Will: 9 (16) |
Fighting Style | Accuracy | Damage | Evasion | Defense | HP | MP |
None | - | - | 7 (14) | 0 | 120 | 16 |
Weak Point: Fire Damage +3 pts. |
Unique Skills |
[Poison Spores / 11 (18) / Fort / Negated] The Poison Mold scatters spores around itself, forcing all characters in the same battlefield to make a Fortitude check. Those that fail to resist the poison receive 2d+10 Poison-type damage. [Disease Spores / 9 (16) / Fort / Negated] Each time the Poison Mold's HP is damaged, disease spores fly out from the wound, and all characters in the same battlefield must make a Fortitude check. Those that fail reduce their maximum HP and MP by 10 (to a minimum of 0). If a character's maximum HP is reduced to 0 in this way, they immediately die (no Death Check needed). This reduction does not go away normally, and must be removed via "Cure Disease" or other such effects. |
Loot | |
Always | Green Dye (80G) |
2 - 6 | Fertile Soil (300G) |
7+ | Soil of Abundance (2,000G) |
A dark green mold with deadly poison spores, commonly found deep underground or in the depths of large forests. Spreading over an area anywhere from 5m to 20m in radius, the mold will blast any interlopers with a variety of debilitating spores. Those who managed to live through these spore blasts describe the feeling as a "hell of suffering". Those who don't, however, are simply more food for the mold.
8 | Ripper Leaf |
Int: None Perc: Magic Lang: None Hab: Forest Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 15 / 18 Init: 14 Move Spd: 20 (Floating) Fort: 10 (17) Will: 10 (17) |
Fighting Style | Accuracy | Damage | Evasion | Defense | HP | MP |
Leaf | 11 (18) | 2d+10 | 9 (16) | 8 | 57 | 26 |
Weak Point: Fire Damage +3 pts. |
Unique Skills |
[Double Attack] A Ripper Leaf can make two Leaf attacks each round, though each attack requires its own Accuracy check. [Regeneration] At the end of each round, the Ripper Leaf recovers 5 HP. [Mindless] A Ripper Leaf is unaffected by any Psychic-type effects. |
Loot | |
2 - 6 | None |
7 - 12 | Sharp Leaves (100G) |
13+ | Keenly Sharpened Leaves (500G) |
An evolved form of the Spin Blossom, Ripper Leaves have a series of razor-sharp leaves around the rotating petals keeping it aloft. These leaves will shred any prey attracted by the bright flowers, and it is thought that the Ripper Leaf was able to evolve into its current state by drinking the blood of fallen prey through its roots.
11 | Fungal Parasite |
Int: Low Perc: Magic Lang: Trade Common Hab: Forest, Caves, Ruins Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 19 / 22 Init: 15 Move Spd: 12 Fort: 14 (21) Will: 13 (20) |
Fighting Style | Accuracy | Damage | Evasion | Defense | HP | MP |
Fist | 13 (20) | 2d+10 | 12 (19) | 12 | 78 | 12 |
Weak Point: Fire Damage +3 pts. |
Unique Skills |
[Disease Spores / 11 (18) / Fort / Negated] Once per round as a Minor Action, the Fungal Parasite can spread these red-violet spores, affecting up to 20 characters with a 6m radius. Any character within the area that fails their Fortitude check becomes infected with spores. This infection can be removed via spells like "Cure Disease" or "Refresh" at this point. One day after being infected with spores, small magenta mushrooms begin to grow over the body of the host, reducing all ability scores by 6 points (fixed value characters receive -1 to Accuracy, Evasion, Fortitude and Willpower). Even if these mushrooms are removed, new ones will grow in their place. These penalties are cumulative per day (though no ability score can go below 0). |
Loot | |
Always | Wilted Mushrooms |
2 - 7 | None |
8 - 10 | Phantom of the Forest Mushroom (2,000G) |
11+ | Phantom of the Forest Mushroom x3 (6,000G) |
This monster is actually a humanoid covered in parasitic mushrooms, feeding the mushroom as it decomposes. Typically found in dark, damp places, the Fungal Parasite will attack any humanoid or animal passing by, hoping to infect them and use them as a new host. Fungal Parasite hosts will last for a year or two before becoming desiccated husks, drained of all vital nutrients. It is possible to save a victim of the Fungal Parasites, though it involves casting a "Refresh" spell on a host whose HP has been reduced to 0.
Rarely, a mushroom called "The Phantom of the Forest" may grow among the various Fungal Parasites. This mushroom is non-toxic, and quite delicious, so it is valued by many among the culinary community. Additionally, it is thought to have some anti-aging properties, and some elder priests have sent out adventurers specifically to look for these mushrooms.
12 | Belladonna |
Int: None Perc: Magic Lang: None Hab: Forest, Grasslands Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 16 / 20 Init: 12 Move Spd: 15 Fort: 16 (23) Will: 14 (21) |
Fighting Style | Accuracy | Damage | Evasion | Defense | HP | MP |
Vine (Upper Body) | 15 (22) | 2d+10 | 14 (21) | 12 | 66 | 14 |
Tackle (Lower Body) | 13 (20) | 2d+12 | 13 (20) | 13 | 78 | 16 |
Sections: 2 (Upper Body / Lower Body) | Main Section: None | Weak Point: Fire Damage +3 pts. |
Unique Skills |
[Poison / 16 (23) / Fort / Negated]
[Snaring Vines / 14 (21) / Fort / Negated] Removing the ensnaring vines requires an (Adventurer Level + Strength modifier) Check opposed by the Belladonna's Accuracy check. This check may be made by another person as well. If successful, the target is not ensnared anymore. This ability can be used even if the Belladonna is already ensnaring a target. |
Loot | |
Always | Belladonna Leaves (1d x 150G) |
2 - 8 | None |
9+ | Poisonous Flower (500G) |
A Belladonna appears at first glance to be a green-skinned humanoid, but upon closer investigation is actually a plant whose vines have been so entwined with each other they are able to take the shape of a human. By taking a humanoid shape, the Belladonna is able to move much more easily to attack prey, and will drain nutrients from anything it has killed, animal or otherwise. It will also hide in forests, using its plant body to disguise itself before surprising prey.
The vines of a Belladonna contain a horrific poison, causing high fevers, nausea and even death from just a touch. However, the leaves from the Belladonna's vines can be turned into an antidote for this contact poison, so it is recommended to slay the Belladonna before the poison spreads throughout the victim's body.
20 | Yggdrasil Sapling |
Int: High Perc: Magic Lang: Sylvan Hab: Forest Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 18 / 23 Init: 20 Move Spd: 0 Fort: 25 (32) Will: 27 (34) |
Fighting Style | Accuracy | Damage | Evasion | Defense | HP | MP |
None (Trunk) | - | - | 22 (29) | 19 | 170 | 156 |
Branch (Branch) x5 | 25 (32) | 2d+23 | 24 (31) | 17 | 122 | 34 |
Sections: 6 (Trunk / Branch x5) | Main Section: Trunk | Weak Point: Fire Damage +3 pts. |
Unique Skills |
[Water/Ice, Earth Immunity]
[Fairy Magic (Level 15) / Magic Power 27 (34)]
[Long Branches] |
Loot | |
Always | Yggdrasil Leaf (5,000G) |
2 - 6 | None |
7 - 12 | Yggdrasil Branch (15,000G) |
13+ | Great Yggdrasil Branch (50,000G) |
In Raxia, the name "Yggdrasil" is known as the name of the great World Tree, the largest tree known to mankind, that has been rooted in Raxia since the beginnings of the Schnell Civilization. This young tree is but a sapling of another Yggdrasil, the result of a seed flung far from the original tree that has taken root. Though it is young compared to the original World Tree, the Yggdrasil Sapling is still large enough to scrape the heavens, and remains unable to be accurately measured using current equipment. It is said that the history of Raxia lies engraved in its leaves and branches, and those who are able to find even a fallen twig of the tree can find themselves with a wealth of knowledge.