3 | Bannik |
Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses Lang: Trade Common, Sylvan Hab: Hot Springs Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 10 / 14 Init: 10 Move Spd: 12 Fort: 6 (13) Will: 6 (13) |
Fighting Style | Accuracy | Damage | Evasion | Defense | HP | MP |
Fist | 5 (12) | 2d+2 | 3 (10) | 4 | 34 | 34 |
Weak Point: Fire Damage +3 pts. |
Unique Skills |
[Limited Fairy Magic (Level 3) / Magic Power 5 (12)] A Bannik may cast the Fairy Magic spells "Water Screen" and "Purification" as a third-level Fairy Tamer. For spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Magic Aptitude] A Bannik can use the Combat Feat 《Metamagic/Distance》. [Healing Hot Spring] The Bannik can change water into a hot spring at the optimal temperature for bathing, at a rate of 2 MP per 50 liters of water to be changed. Soaking in the waters for an hour will recover 5 HP and MP, but staying in longer than an hour will not recover any more. [Water Body] A Bannik takes no damage from Water/Ice-type effects. Bludgeoning weapons treat the Bannik's Defense as 3 points higher. [Underwater Specialization] A Bannik can breathe and vocalize while underwater, and does not suffer any penalties for moving while underwater. [Flame Vulnerability] When the Bannik is hit by Fire-type damage, it takes an extra 3 damage. |
Loot | |
None | |
A spirit that takes the appearance of a nude woman, Banniks are subservient fairies found around hot springs and other naturally occurring warm water. They only wish to see cleanliness, and may even offer to create a hot spring in order to help travelers wash away dirt and grime. However, Banniks are known to become irrationally angry if someone dirty refuses to head to a hot spring, and will lash out in anger.
In addition, if the PC has any levels in the Fairy Tamer class, they automatically know the lore and value of the Bannik. A Monster Knowledge check is still required in order to determine the Bannik's Weakness.
3 | Swarm of Muryans |
Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses Lang: Trade Common, Sylvan Hab: Forest, Grasslands Disp: Friendly Rep/Weak: 8 / 14 Init: 9 Move Spd: 11 Fort: 7 (14) Will: 6 (13) |
Fighting Style | Accuracy | Damage | Evasion | Defense | HP | MP |
None | - | - | 4 (11) | 5 | 35 | 19 |
Weak Point: Wind Damage +3 pts. |
Unique Skills |
[Limited Fairy Magic (Level 3) / Magic Power 6 (13)] A Swarm of Muryans may cast the Fairy Magic spells "Snare" and "Stone Guard" as a third-level Fairy Tamer. For spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Magic Aptitude] A Swarm of Muryans can use the Combat Feat 《Metamagic/Targets》. [Spellsongs / 5 (12)] A Swarm of Muryans can use the "Ambiance" and "Healing" Spellsongs. For individual Spellsong effects, refer to that Spellsong's description. Spellsongs have an effective range of 30m, centered on the Swarm of Muryans. [Swarming Attack / Can't] The Muryans swarm around all other targets in the same battlefield, dealing Physical damage equal to 2d + 1/5 the Swarm of Muryans's Current HP (rounded down). Because of the number and size of the Muryans attacking, this attack cannot be Evaded. [Swarm] A Swarm of Muryans is immune to criticals, and cannot be attacked with the "Throw" Wrestling weapon. When targeting the Swarm of Muryans or another character in the same battlefield, the Combat Feats 《Precise Shot》, 《Guided Magic》 and 《Magic Control》 cannot be used. [Earth Body] A Swarm of Muryans takes no damage from Earth-type effects. [Wind Vulnerability] When the Swarm of Muryans is hit by Wind-type damage, it takes an extra 3 damage. |
Loot | |
None | |
What appears to be an ant at first is really a very small earth fairy, dressed in a dark hat and coat. Muryans are tiny fairies that travel in swarms, and will typically be seen as a part of a large group, rather than individually. Because of their small size, they tend to avoid conflict when possible, and are rather easygoing. If a group of Muryans sees someone who's not having a good time, they will try and put on a little song and dance to bring some cheer.
In addition, if the PC has any levels in the Fairy Tamer class, they automatically know the lore and value of the Muryans. A Monster Knowledge check is still required in order to determine the Muryan's Weakness.
5 | Shade |
Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses Lang: Sylvan Hab: Various Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 11 / 15 Init: 12 Move Spd: 33 (Flying) Fort: 7 (14) Will: 9 (16) |
Fighting Style | Accuracy | Damage | Evasion | Defense | HP | MP |
Tackle | 7 (14) | 2d+7 | 7 (14) | 7 | 42 | 42 |
Weak Point: Accuracy +1 |
Unique Skills |
[Limited Fairy Magic (Level 5) / Magic Power 9 (16)] A Shade may cast the Fairy Magic spells "Sanity" and "Distraction" as a fifth-level Fairy Tamer. For spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Magic Aptitude] A Shade can use the Combat Feats 《Metamagic/Targets》 and 《Metamagic/Time》. [Dark Mind / 8 (15) / Will / Negated] As a Major Action, the Shade attempts to wrap the minds of every target in 30m in shadow, preventing them from taking any sort of deliberate action. Those who fail to resist are held still for 30 seconds (3 rounds), unable to move, cast spells or take an Action. Involuntary checks, such as Evasion, Fortitude and Willpower may still be made. [Shadow Protection] A Shade takes no damage from Psychic-type effects. [Flight] A Shade receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy and Evasion only for melee attacks. |
Loot | |
None | |
Dark fairiess standing around 30cm tall, Shades are cloaked entirely in darkness. However, if one were to be able to see through and see the real appearance of a Shade, they appear to be tall, almost gaunt fairies wearing well-made clothing created entirely out of ephemeral darkness. Said to be able to influence the spirit of a person, Shades will rarely appear in areas with a high population, preferring more rural areas.
In addition, if the PC has any levels in the Fairy Tamer class, they automatically know the lore and value of the Shade. A Monster Knowledge check is still required in order to determine the Shade's Weakness.
5 | Sprite |
Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses Lang: Sylvan Hab: Various Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 11 / 15 Init: 12 Move Spd: 33 (Flying) Fort: 9 (16) Will: 7 (14) |
Fighting Style | Accuracy | Damage | Evasion | Defense | HP | MP |
Tackle | 7 (14) | 2d+6 | 7 (14) | 6 | 42 | 42 |
Weak Point: Accuracy +1 |
Unique Skills |
[Limited Fairy Magic (Level 5) / Magic Power 9 (16)] A Sprite may cast the Fairy Magic spells "Healing Water", "Whisper Heal" and "Basic Healing" as a fifth-level Fairy Tamer. For spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Magic Aptitude] A Sprite can use the Combat Feat 《Metamagic/Targets》. [Flash / 8 (15) / Fort / Negated] Once per round, as a Minor Action, the Sprite unleashes a bright flash of light, dazzling all within 30m. Those who fail to resist will receive a -2 penalty to all Accuracy and Evasion checks for 30 seconds (3 rounds). [Light Protection] A Sprite takes 5 less damage from all Magic effects, regardless of type. [Flight] A Sprite receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy and Evasion only for melee attacks. |
Loot | |
None | |
Fairies of light, Sprites are similar to Shades in size and stature, only being around 30cm tall and glowing with a bright light. Their true appearance is that of a slim blonde woman dressed in a robe of white light, though the light given off by the robe is enough to obscure this view. Said to be able to restore one's vitality, having the aid of a Sprite is quite important for Fairy Tamers. However, Sprites are incredibly shy, and are a rare sight in public areas.
In addition, if the PC has any levels in the Fairy Tamer class, they automatically know the lore and value of the Sprite. A Monster Knowledge check is still required in order to determine the Sprite's Weakness.
7 | Undine |
Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses Lang: Sylvan Hab: Waterfront Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 11 / 16 Init: 13 Move Spd: 15 / 15 (Swimming) Fort: 9 (16) Will: 9 (16) |
Fighting Style | Accuracy | Damage | Evasion | Defense | HP | MP |
Fist | 10 (17) | 2d+7 | 8 (15) | 8 | 46 | 50 |
Weak Point: Fire Damage +3 pts. |
Unique Skills |
[Limited Fairy Magic (Level 7) / Magic Power 10 (17)] An Undine may cast the Fairy Magic spells "Water Screen", "Purification" and "Ice Bolt" as a seventh-level Fairy Tamer. For spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Magic Aptitude] An Undine can use the Combat Feats 《Metamagic/Targets》 and 《MP Save》. [Water Gun / 9 (16) / Fort / Half] An Undine sprays a jet of water towards a single target. The water jet travels to a range of 20m, and deals 2d + 6 Water/Ice-type damage. If the target fails to save, they are also knocked prone. [Water Body] An Undine takes no damage from Water/Ice-type effects. Bludgeoning weapons treat the Undine's Defense as 3 points higher. [Underwater Specialization] An Undine can breathe and vocalize while underwater, and does not suffer any penalties for moving while underwater. [Flame Vulnerability] When the Undine is hit by Fire-type damage, it takes an extra 3 damage. |
Loot | |
None | |
Water fairies that have become stronger with time and mana, Undines appear as beautiful humanoid women (often humans and elves). Often seen in larger bodies of water, they have also been sighted in rivers, and are very curious about travelers on the water. However, their curiosity may occasionally be dangerous, as Undines tend not to know that other races can drown in water.
They greatly dislike ugly people on the water, and try to deliberately sink their vessels, so they can't be seen on the water. However, an even more hated enemy are those who would pollute water sources. These people the Undines actively and aggressively try to drown, in order to protect themselves and their habitat.
In addition, if the PC has any levels in the Fairy Tamer class, they automatically know the lore and value of the Undine. A Monster Knowledge check is still required in order to determine the Undine's Weakness.
7 | Salamander |
Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses Lang: Sylvan Hab: Volcano, Labyrinths, Ruins Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 11 / 16 Init: 14 Move Spd: 17 Fort: 10 (17) Will: 8 (15) |
Fighting Style | Accuracy | Damage | Evasion | Defense | HP | MP |
Tongue | 10 (17) | 2d+11 | 9 (16) | 7 | 41 | 50 |
Weak Point: Water/Ice Damage +3 pts. |
Unique Skills |
[Limited Fairy Magic (Level 7) / Magic Power 10 (17)] A Salamander may cast the Fairy Magic spells "Fire Bolt" and "Heat Metal" as a seventh-level Fairy Tamer. For spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Magic Aptitude] A Salamander can use the Combat Feats 《Metamagic/Targets》 and 《Metamagic/Distance》. [Fire Breath / 8 (15) / Fort / Half] A Salamander breathes a gout of flame towards a single target. The flame travels to a range of 20m, and deals 2d + 9 Fire-type damage. [Fire Immunity] A Salamander takes no damage from Fire-type effects. [Water/Ice Vulnerability] When the Salamander is hit by Water/Ice-type damage, it takes an extra 3 damage. |
Loot | |
None | |
Salamanders are 2m long lizard-like fairies drawn to flames and fire, and tend to live in areas with higher temperatures than normal. They're driven to burn everything around them, and there's often charcoal strewn about their lairs because of this tendency. However, despite being drawn to fire, Salamanders aren't aggressive, though they are still dangerous when when not threatened.
In addition, if the PC has any levels in the Fairy Tamer class, they automatically know the lore and value of the Salamander. A Monster Knowledge check is still required in order to determine the Salamander's Weakness.
7 | Sylph |
Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses Lang: Sylvan Hab: Mountains Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 11 / 16 Init: 15 Move Spd: 22 (Flying) Fort: 9 (16) Will: 9 (16) |
Fighting Style | Accuracy | Damage | Evasion | Defense | HP | MP |
Fist | 9 (16) | 2d+6 | 10 (17) | 5 | 38 | 50 |
Weak Point: Earth Damage +3 pts. |
Unique Skills |
[Limited Fairy Magic (Level 7) / Magic Power 10 (17)] A Sylph may cast the Fairy Magic spells "Wind Voice", "Wind Guard", "Wind Cutter", "Silent Move", "Hovering" and "Shoot Arrow" as a seventh-level Fairy Tamer. For spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Magic Aptitude] A Sylph can use the Combat Feats 《Guided Magic》 and 《Metamagic/Distance》. [Gale Breath / 9 (16) / Fort / Half] A Sylph breathes a mass of compressed air towards a single target. The mass travels to a range of 30m, and explodes into a 3m radius hurricane, dealing 2d+6 Wind-type damage to up to 5 targets in the area. [Wind Body] A Sylph takes no damage from Wind-type or Slash-type effects. Slashing weapons treat the Sylph's Defense as 3 points higher. [Flight] A Sylph receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy and Evasion only for melee attacks. [Earth Vulnerability] When the Sylph is hit by Earth-type damage, it takes an extra 3 damage. |
Loot | |
None | |
Whimsical wind fairies, Sylphs appear to travelers as half-transparent humanoids, often choosing to appear as either humans or elves. They are not malicious, but sometimes their pranks may be dangerous, such as flying around a mountaineer trying to climb. Sylphs prefer to fly freely wherever they want, though occasionally some will follow a group of travelers that appreciate their pranks.
In addition, if the PC has any levels in the Fairy Tamer class, they automatically know the lore and value of the Sylph. A Monster Knowledge check is still required in order to determine the Sylph's Weakness.
7 | Gnome |
Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses Lang: Sylvan Hab: Forest, Mountains, Caves Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 11 / 16 Init: 13 Move Spd: 16 Fort: 9 (16) Will: 8 (15) |
Fighting Style | Accuracy | Damage | Evasion | Defense | HP | MP |
Fist | 11 (18) | 2d+9 | 8 (15) | 9 | 55 | 38 |
Weak Point: Wind Damage +3 pts. |
Unique Skills |
[Limited Fairy Magic (Level 7) / Magic Power 10 (17)] A Gnome may cast the Fairy Magic spells "Snare" and "Stone Guard" as a seventh-level Fairy Tamer. For spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Magic Aptitude] A Gnome can use the Combat Feats 《Metamagic/Targets》 and 《MP Save》. [Quake / 10 (17) / Fort / Negated] As a Major Action, the Gnome can cause a localised earthquake, affecting all targets within 30m. Those who fail to resist fall prone, and cannot stand up for the next minute (6 rounds). [Earth Body] A Gnome takes no damage from Earth-type effects. [Wind Vulnerability] When the Gnome is hit by Wind-type damage, it takes an extra 3 damage. |
Loot | |
None | |
An earthen fairy, Gnomes are small in statue, typically appearing as 1m tall bearded old men. However, there are also female and child Gnomes, though they do not usually appear outside Gnome settlements. The older male Gnomes will fight fiercely to protect these other Gnomes. Because of this, Gnomes have a reputation of valuing strength in the face of adversity, as well as protecting friends and family.
In addition, if the PC has any levels in the Fairy Tamer class, they automatically know the lore and value of the Gnome. A Monster Knowledge check is still required in order to determine the Gnome's Weakness.
9 | Dryad |
Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses Lang: Sylvan Hab: Forest Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 12 / 19 Init: 15 Move Spd: 13 Fort: 11 (18) Will: 12 (19) |
Fighting Style | Accuracy | Damage | Evasion | Defense | HP | MP |
Fist | 11 (18) | 2d+10 | 10 (17) | 9 | 58 | 73 |
Weak Point: Fire Damage +3 pts. |
Unique Skills |
[Limited Fairy Magic (Level 9) / Magic Power 12 (19)] A Dryad may cast the Fairy Magic spells "Snare", "Stone Guard", "Fairy Step" and "Stone Blast" as a ninth-level Fairy Tamer. For spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Magic Aptitude] A Dryad can use the Combat Feats 《Metamagic/Targets》, 《Metamagic/Time》 and 《MP Save》. [Mesmerize / 12 (19) / Will / Negated] As a Major Action, the Dryad can speak enchanting words to a male character within 30m, this Psychic-type effect causing them to think of the Dryad as their partner. Anyone who attacks the Dryad is considered to be an enemy, and the mesmerized character will move to protect the Dryad. This effect lasts as long as the Dryad remains within 30m of the character. [Tree Assimilation] As a Major Action, the Dryad can step into a chosen tree and hide inside, becoming invulnerable to attacks. Burning a tree where a Dryad is hiding will force the Dryad out, otherwise exiting a tree is also a Major Action. Choosing a new tree will override the previous chosen tree, so a Dryad can only choose one tree at a time. [Wood Body] A Dryad takes no damage from Earth-type effects. [Flame Vulnerability] When the Dryad is hit by Fire-type damage, it takes an extra 3 damage. |
Loot | |
None | |
These tree fairies take the shape of a beautiful, yet mysterious woman with long, flowing green hair wrapped around her limbs. Often appearing nude, Dryads are known to be man-charmers, and will have a pile of bodies at the base of their tree. These are the corpses of men that they had mesmerized, providing fertilizer in death as they did protection in life. There are stories of men who have escaped the clutches of a Dryad, though, by threatening to cut their tree down.
In addition, if the PC has any levels in the Fairy Tamer class, they automatically know the lore and value of the Dryad. A Monster Knowledge check is still required in order to determine the Dryad's Weakness.
9 | Puck |
Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses Lang: Trade Common, Sylvan Hab: Mountains Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 12 / 19 Init: 16 Move Spd: 33 (Flying) Fort: 11 (18) Will: 11 (18) |
Fighting Style | Accuracy | Damage | Evasion | Defense | HP | MP |
Fist | 10 (17) | 2d+8 | 12 (19) | 7 | 69 | 69 |
Weak Point: Earth Damage +3 pts. |
Unique Skills |
[Limited Fairy Magic (Level 9) / Magic Power 13 (20)] A Puck may cast the Fairy Magic spells "Wind Voice", "Wind Guard", "Wind Cutter", "Silent Move", "Hovering", "Shoot Arrow", "Windstorm" and "Missile Protection" as a ninth-level Fairy Tamer. For spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Magic Aptitude] A Puck can use the Combat Feats 《Metamagic/Distance》, 《Metamagic/Time》 and 《Metamagic/Area》. [Distant Voice] The range of the Puck's spells is doubled. When using 《Metamagic/Distance》, this ability doubles the range of the spell before the Combat Feat is applied. [Windfall] At the beginning of the Puck's turn, they may take a Normal Move before taking their turn. This does not count as their movement for the turn, so if the Puck takes a Limited Move they may still cast a spell that turn. This ability cannot be used in consecutive turns. [Wind Body] A Puck takes no damage from Wind-type or Slash-type effects. Slashing weapons treat the Puck's Defense as 3 points higher. [Flight] A Puck receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy and Evasion only for melee attacks. [Earth Vulnerability] When the Puck is hit by Earth-type damage, it takes an extra 3 damage. |
Loot | |
None | |
A Puck is a tree spirit that takes the appearance of a small boy, dressed in green clothes and hat. Often seen flying around, they are happy fairies who love music, and will often sing or whistle along to a tune they enjoy. Pucks are often talkative to the performers, and will generally be friendly, but they are also quite mischievous and will prank mountain climbers just as quickly.
In addition, if the PC has any levels in the Fairy Tamer class, they automatically know the lore and value of the Puck. A Monster Knowledge check is still required in order to determine the Puck's Weakness.
15 | Skadi |
Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses Lang: Sylvan Hab: Cold Regions, Snowy Mountains Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 18 / 21 Init: 21 Move Spd: 44 (Flying) Fort: 21 (28) Will: 21 (28) |
Fighting Style | Accuracy | Damage | Evasion | Defense | HP | MP |
Ram | 20 (27) | 2d+18 | 19 (26) | 16 | 106 | 117 |
Weak Point: Fire & Earth Damage +3 pts. |
Unique Skills |
[Limited Fairy Magic (Level 13) / Magic Power 19 (26)] A Skadi may cast the Fairy Magic spells "Water Screen", "Purification", "Ice Bolt", "Seabed Walk", "Sink", "Mist Hide", "Ice Coffin", "Water Edge", "Current" and "Maelstrom" as a thirteenth-level Fairy Tamer. For spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Magic Aptitude] A Skadi can use the Combat Feats 《Guided Magic》, 《Magic Convergence》, 《Magic Control》, 《Metamagic/Targets》, 《Metamagic/Distance》, 《Metamagic/Time》, 《Multi-Action》 and 《Wordbreak》. [Icicle Spear / 21 (28) / Fort / Half] Once per round, as a Minor Action, the Skadi can create spears of frost and ice to attack up to 3 targets 30m away for 2d + 20 Water/Ice-type damage. [Blizzard Body] An Skadi takes no damage from Water/Ice-type, Wind-type or Slash-type effects. Bludgeoning and Slashing weapons treat the Skadi's Defense as 3 points higher. [Flight] A Skadi receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy and Evasion only for melee attacks. [Flame/Earth Vulnerability] When the Skadi is hit by Fire-type or Earth-type damage, it takes an extra 3 damage. |
Loot | |
None | |
An ephemeral fairy of snow and ice, Skadis are beautiful women, often with an innocently sly smile on their face. With frozen armor and an icicle spear, they are at home in the middle of freezing weather. Skadis are drawn to strong men, and will occasionally give them a jewel to call on the fairy in times of need. When such a gifted man dies, the Skadi will take the corpse away, and it is said that the body is stored in the Skadi's ice palace deep within the snowy mountains.
In addition, if the PC has any levels in the Fairy Tamer class, they automatically know the lore and value of the Skadi. A Monster Knowledge check is still required in order to determine the Skadi's Weakness.
15 | Sleipnir |
Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses Lang: Sylvan Hab: Grasslands, Mountain Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 18 / 21 Init: 22 Move Spd: 44 / 88 (Flying) Fort: 21 (28) Will: 21 (28) |
Fighting Style | Accuracy | Damage | Evasion | Defense | HP | MP |
Hoof | 21 (28) | 2d+18 | 21 (28) | 17 | 123 | 87 |
Weak Point: Earth Damage +3 pts. |
Unique Skills |
[Limited Fairy Magic (Level 13) / Magic Power 19 (26)] A Sleipnir may cast the Fairy Magic spells "Wind Voice", "Wind Guard", "Wind Cutter", "Silent Move", "Shoot Arrow", "Windstorm", "Missile Protection" and "Whirlwind" as a ninth-level Fairy Tamer. For spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Magic Aptitude] A Sleipnir can use the Combat Feats 《Guided Magic》, 《Magic Convergence》, 《Magic Control》, 《Metamagic/Targets》, 《Metamagic/Distance》, 《Metamagic/Area》, 《Multi-Action》 and 《Wordbreak》. [Gale Movement / 20 (27) / Fort / Negated] The Sleipnir charges full-force in a straight line up to 132m, dealing 2d + 20 Wind-type damage to anything in its path and knocking it prone. This is treated as an "Area: Breakthrough" effect, and can only be used if the Sleipnir could take a Full Move. This ability can only be used while the Sleipnir is on the ground, and cannot be used in consecutive turns. [Wind Body] A Sleipnir takes no damage from Wind-type or Slash-type effects. Slashing weapons treat the Sleipnir's Defense as 3 points higher. [Flight] A Sleipnir receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy and Evasion only for melee attacks. [Earth Vulnerability] When the Sleipnir is hit by Earth-type damage, it takes an extra 3 damage. |
Loot | |
None | |
Wind fairies that take the shape of an 8-legged horse, Sleipnirs are known as "gale fairies" due to their incredible speed. Able to move at unnoticeable speeds, Sleipnirs will create massive gusts of wind behind them when traveling. Quite temperamental, a Sleipnir can run down from a mountain past a village in a rage, only to have the wind it creates destroy the village with little effort.
In addition, if the PC has any levels in the Fairy Tamer class, they automatically know the lore and value of the Sleipnir. A Monster Knowledge check is still required in order to determine the Sleipnir's Weakness.
17 | Efreet |
Int: High Perc: 5 Senses Lang: Sylvan Hab: Volcano, Labyrinths, Ruins Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 19 / 22 Init: 23 Move Spd: 40 (Flying) Fort: 23 (30) Will: 23 (30) |
Fighting Style | Accuracy | Damage | Evasion | Defense | HP | MP |
Fist (Upper Body) | 22 (29) | 2d+17 | 20 (27) | 19 | 128 | 93 |
Kick (Lower Body) | 21 (28) | 2d+19 | 20 (27) | 19 | 132 | 31 |
Sections: 2 (Upper Body / Lower Body) | Main Section: Upper Body | Weak Point: Water/Ice Damage +3 pts. |
Unique Skills |
[Twin Strike & Double Attack]
[Limited Fairy Magic (Level 15) / Magic Power 23 (30)]
[Large Body] |
Loot | |
None | |
Efreet are 5m tall giant volcanic fairies, often appearing as great horned humans wreathed in flame. Found in volcanos and deep caves near Salamanders, Efreets will rarely appear to outsiders. Although usually cheerful, they do tend to lose their temper quickly, and a raging Efreet will turn everything around it into charcoal in an instant.
In addition, if the PC has any levels in the Fairy Tamer class, they automatically know the lore and value of the Efreet. A Monster Knowledge check is still required in order to determine the Efreet's Weakness.