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Tabbit Wizard

Tabbits are rabbit-like humanoids that stand around 1m tall. They're extremely intelligent, and like the other races, they've formed their own civilization and culture. While they have the perfect characteristics for magic, they do not often use weapons.

This character uses two kinds of magic, Truespeech Magic and Spiritualism Magic, granted from the Sorcerer and Conjurer classes respectively. Truespeech magic lets him use powerful attack spells like Energy Bolt, while Spiritualism spells like Counter Magic let him back up his allies. This character is a real expert with magic, knowing just the right spell for any situation.

His combat feat, Guided Magic, lets him target his enemies with pinpoint precision.

Tabbits possess the Sixth Sense racial ability. They can sense danger ahead of their teammates and help the party avoid getting caught in a bad situation.

Some day, this character could become the most powerful magician of all. In the meantime, he blasts away powerful foes with his magic and leads his party to victory.
